
My experience is when Republicans and Trump voters are presented with these facts, it usually deflects to "Obama did x and Hilary did y so tough titties"

Or is draining the swamp in Florida into DC.

The Critic predicted the 2016 election when Duke Phillips ran for president, though I'd have taken cooky Franklin Sherman over Mike Pence as VP any day.

I enjoyed Fifth Gear back in the Speed Vision days. I know there's no Stig and Tiff Needell isn't Jeremy Clarkson but I do remember some of the things they did on the show that was entertaining and factual, like they had a guy do a course, smoke a joint and re-do the course, smashing a Focus into a wall at over 100

For me it's hard to believe so many old malaise era GM shitboxes can still be hotwired and driven. Don't the batteries ever die?

"Boys, we are officially dealing with a fucking samsquanch! Looks like a ten footer by the looks of that stuff."

Archie vs. Predator sounds like it would be a great vehicle to get Chris Hansen as a guest star.

Diversity? You mean your blind kowtowing to a Neo-Nazi?

Sounds like his writing partner was more Alex Jones than Julie Jones.

This guy is the modern version of a snake-oil salesman. When Infowars goes nose down into the ground, he can probably find work as a carnival barker.

The Gaga Simpsons horse is neck and neck with That 90s episode one.

I noticed for Monday and Tuesday nights, they usually consecutively air an episode from each season and do themed episodes on some of the other days like Friday and Sunday.

Pretty sure I heard an F bomb dropped in this past season of South Park on Comedy Central.

Any MST3K list that is missing denim & mullet enthusiast Canadian hero Zap Rowdower is incomplete.

Any MST3K list that is missing denim & mullet enthusiast Canadian hero Zap Rowdower is incomplete.

Or when the History Channel became the Hitler Channel.

You really can't, and I'm not saying I agree with it. It's just that bird law in this country, it's not governed by reason.

At least Borney didn't say stonechucker.

Christina's a bird!