
Trump has called Pope Francis a "pawn of Mexico"

Winner gets the nomination, loser gets tarred, feathered, and pelted with oranges in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

I was in Seoul liquor store about 8 years ago and I asked the clerk if they had any high quality Soju. I was told that such a thing does not exist.

Originally I thought it was about a teenager's struggle with mental illness and paranoia, but that didn't seem to be the director's intent at all!

I really liked Donnie Darko, but after watching Richard Kelly's other movies, and the director's cut, it seems like Donnie Darko was a happy accident.


He died as he lived: trampled to death and eaten by feral hogs

This called playing politics. You see the democrats do this favor for the republicans, and in exchange the republicans pass voter ID laws and gerrymander districts so no democrat can get elected.

Don't like it? Get your own pop culture website!

Episode 2: Way Too Many Jedi

I love it when Nazi's get punched in the head, hell, I'd like to see it every day.

Lots of pull ups and push ups.

It is pretty odd to have that callout right in the title. Most western video games rely on hackneyed plots ripped off from popular movies and fantasy novels.

That vest he wore was just DREADFUL.

Well, sometimes I want a refreshing soft drink that tastes like traditional Chinese medicine.

This movie will be ninety minutes of a shirtless Channing Tatum eating crawfish and hitting people with a stick.


I don't know, it really wasn't kicking, it was more like stomping. Does that still count?

Well you're not missing much. I remember once he made a comment about how good clean towels are key for great performance as a quarterback.

Thor 3: Return to Palo Alto