
We should also make it easier for drunks to drive. If you haven't tried it, it CAN be difficult.

Why isn't there a better way to do my taxes while driving? Why isn't there a better way to fold my laundry while driving? Why isn't there a better way to clip my cats' toenails while I make love to my wife? Why isn't there a better way to iron my clothes while I change my child's diaper? Or a safer way to smoke

@robot-shmobot: How would it be an advantage though? Android is hypothetically capable of running the Chrome browser environment, right? I guess for the sake of simplicity I would agree though. My EVO can be a bit confusing. There's almost too much going on.

So what's the distinction between Chrome OS and Android?

Amazing! It went from sounding like something my mom would listen to to sounding like something my mom would listen to.

You actually intended to say the "Aesthetic Superiority of the 70s"

@drwho88888: While I would agree that 'religious ideologies' deserve generalization and often ridicule, I cannot generalize individuals on the very basis that it could often be wrong. While I myself am a nonbeliever, I associate with Christians and believers of other faiths who generally don't discriminate against

@makk: I'm open to evidence to the contrary to alleviate my 'ignorance.' So, please explain. No apology is necessary.

@makk: -1. Point taken back.

@makk: +1. Point taken.

Fuck Ayn Rand.

Prepare thyself for the condescension of Social Darwinian Libertarian know-it-alls. And how can I disagree with such profoundly cold logic that proclaims economic systems as 'natural orders'? Everyone knows the poor are stupid, shitcovered orgiastic buffoons which hasn't changed since the invention of soap. Fuck

The lightning was a sign anticipating this event. Now we must make "Touchdown Jesus" much bigger!

@makk: Yes, bombing people because you don't like what they have to say seems like the appropriate, civilized way to prove you are not violent.

Provided that you are correct about 1080p/i, this is another thing that will die because Apple is exceedingly solipsistic.

You guys are so fickle. The iPhone 4's screen is bad ass to be sure, but something about browsing comfortably without pinch & zoom. And reading a book on my phone is a chore. Xenu forbid there's a lull in development before the iPad is declared dead.

@drag_on: It makes plenty of sense that lower resolutions can't detect higher detail. Kotaku is reporting that the camera is lower resolution, and that reps from MS are saying sign language will not be supported. There is a logical connection between those two statements. OCR, an image-processing/interpreting

::eyeroll:: Don't cripple it, MS. What's the point?

The barrier to 3D is two-fold: expensive glasses + no content. I want to be sold on it, but plunking down 1000+ dollars just so family can watch "Monsters versus Aliens" or "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is beyond retarded.

Perian is fantastic.