
@PoG: You're right on both counts. Chunky zoom. They're making a 1:1 comparison to the iPad, so it's appropriate. I don't have an iPad, but I have used one for a decent amount of time. They're going to have to try harder to match or surpass the more polished user experience. It's a legitimate point or else they

@TickleMeFetus: Maybe your school's IT guy is wrong. It should be in the terms here, but I don't see it:

This proves Jesus Christ!

Shit. Who needs instruments or musicians anymore?

I was ambivalently curious about this and decided on a whim to click on it. Now I'm glad I did. I can only hope this actually does materialize and become really important. If the Wii taught us anything, it was that people were really excited about finding new ways to interact with media and feel like they were more

How long is this going to take to be released? I'd really like to use the SimplifyMedia function but very little is written about it.

@henshinagogo: It seems as though you are attempting to defend moral relativity. In which case, let's assume that a political subject such as civil rights is subjectively determined by the social and cultural norms according to time and place. Do you agree or disagree that chattel slavery of African descended

@henshinagogo: How often are women beheaded in the US? How do we look at violence against women? What cultural precedents establish that violence against women is tolerable in the US, and how closely tied is that precedent to the US justice system? What are the differences between conscious and unconscious attitudes?

@TangoTL: It's logical that when you have to install nets, it means you are acknowledging something more than a normal random occurrence of suicide.

Tsk, tsk Foxconn. Use chains, not nets.

@bendizle: Too right! Let's face it, the future is cloud technology and nearly everyone can recognize that. As our data needs increase substantially due to our data being 'in the cloud' it can only serve to paint a much bleaker picture of the control that carriers will impose by tightening the belt on OUR data! This

That settles it. I get all of my political opinions from the Bahrainian Crown Prince Sheikh Salman Al-Khalifa!

Damn straight! If I catch you with a bowl of Apple Jacks, "...But, but... they don't even taste like apples..." won't even save your ass.

@BigManMalone: Thanks Ayn Rand, but I'm going to support my "rational self-interest" which is cheap 'unlimited' internet. I am perfectly okay with corporations being "slaves" that I pay so that they can profit.

I've been saying this forever!

@bendizle: I have Sprint and AT&T. AFAIK, Sprint is actually trying to not limit data plans as a way to be competitive with AT&T and Verizon. As long as that strategy works as competition, carrier exclusivity will only hurt Apple once better devices emerge. We see the beginnings of that with increased Android

Can it run on an old desktop?

Streaming technology. I too thought it was the wave of the future using Simplify Media. I was also glad to see Apple is trying to cash in on it. Then I realized... Streaming using what... magic? Oh, the 3G connection... which is limited to 2GB for all of AT&T's customers who didn't follow the correct upgrade path

Torch... Burn it.

@gizzed: Learn to post a link.