
@GhoS: It's a good product and sometimes corporate policies don't play into someone's equation of buying a product if it doesn't affect their enjoyment.

@The_Other_White_Meat: Flash will be awesome on my EVO. I can't wait to carry around a backpack with a car battery just to use it for more than 30 minutes.

@Elie Khoury: Pay almost twice as much for a computer that doesn't run your programs without paying $200-230 on top of that? Decide Boot Camp or virtualization? Have a paltry selection of gaming software to run natively? Learn a whole new system?

@nman: I know you've gotten a flood of responses, but let me just add my 2 cents. I come into contact with a variety of laptops both Mac and PC. If I used PC laptops exclusively, I would agree with you 100% that using a trackpad makes no sense. Initially, the trackpad was an awkward compromise in comparison to

Maybe if you make gays and liberated women talk about how much they hate Blackberry phones and service, UAE and Saudi Arabia will change their minds.

Great! Now I can find dates and not worry about the hassle of getting kicked out of the cemetery!

It was a working motorcycle? For who? Gnomes? ... Gnomes on ecstasy?

@Hearthatvoiceagain: But comparatively speaking, an approval process would make it safer. I get what you are saying, but I think that because a layer of prevention exists from letting the app 'into the wild' Apple can pull back the reigns in the face of a security risk. They can make the app review process stricter

@Hearthatvoiceagain: That's not the point. It doesn't tell you what its using data FOR. So if I wanted to use an app that was some kind of newfangled contacts organizer, but I unsuspectingly download an app that does something else with that information, I'd be fucked.

Since you guys were so right about the iPad's control scheme (and everything else about it), I am definitely dropping a shit-ton of eggs in your intricately woven basket of dreamy speculation.

Your arms and neck will hurt from a touchscreen that big? How about a mouse?

@moonlightseal: Until they come up with an app that actually does use those things but not in the way the user expects. What then?

@Hearthatvoiceagain: As down as I want to be on Apple, they actually have their shit in order on this.

Send a check.

@s8ist: my sarcasm tag...

@mhatti3000: I was being Jobsian. I forgot to use my tag.

In other news, they have numerous spokeswomen operating under the collective name "one." That's creepy borg-type shit.

Upgrade to 3.1. Not that big a deal.