
Because Trump is a dictator, and isn’t going to give one shit what the SCOTUS says if they say anything against him. He’s going to continue doing what he wants to do, and the courts won’t be able to stop him.

The ruling said that anything that falls under “official acts”, which is a fucking enormous umbrella, is legal. And we can’t judge the motives for the action either.

Then quite frankly, you’re an idiot.

Do you honestly think that this ruling would protect them if Trump gets re-elected, and decides to charge them with whatever, because he’s a dictator?

Unfortunately, anything that requires the Senate to have a filibuster proof majority, let alone a 2/3 majority is DOA. It’s hopelessly gerrymandered in favor of Republicans, given that each state gets 2, regardless of population.

The court also says the President is now above the law.

I’m not voting for Trump, but if I was a single issue voter and abortion was that issue, I wouldn’t vote for Biden either.”

Because what would be the point? Democrats had opportunities in controlling the White House, Congress, and a more favorable Supreme in which to strengthen Roe v Wade the law instead of an overturnable court ruling.”

No one is blaming the Democrats for this”

And I’m absolutely going to say that there is no way that such a blanket statement about cheapness is even valid.”

we already lost in 2016 when the Bernie supporters refused to back Hillary”

Or maybe he’s not even close to being as cognitively declined as you wish he was. 

Cool? The fact of the matter is, it’s Republicans attacking these rights, and they are the ones responsible for their actions of doing that. The Obama administration didn’t have the political capital to do it (seriously, go find me a time during the Obama administration where they had not only the full House in favor

I fully agree with points A and B. I am absolutely going to say that if you’re claiming you want to “help restaurant workers” and then refuse to tip, you’re a bad person who is only interested in covering up your own cheapness.

If you’re refusing to tip because of this stupid bullshit of “Restaurants need to pay workers better!”, you don’t actually care about restaurant workers.

So pass laws to do it. Like in California, where there is no “tipped” minimum wage. Don’t fuck over those with the least amount of power in the situation.

OR, these places can start properly paying their employees... just a thought.”

He’s in LA, so there’s no separate tipped wage. At the very least, the wait staff are making regular minimum wage.

I guarantee you this asshole doesn’t care about any of those things. He’s just a cheap ass.

Sure, absolutely. But that’s not the world we live in now, and not tipping makes you a complete asshole.