
same :-(

For me, the 3 most important aspects of weight loss were: Portion size, portion size, and portion size.

Method: Cold Turkey

For me it's the Celery Test. I can't stand plain, dry, celery. If I'm willing to eat that, then I must be very hungry indeed!

Best thing I ever did was ditch my Keurig and dust off my Aeropress. I now drink twice as good of coffee for half the price.

I have 1 (or 3) word(s) for you:

This could also read "Run Fast When You're Angry" because when I'm in a foul mood and I hit the treadmill you can better believe that I will crank the music and crank the speed.

"You need to be ready to give up on perfection and love someone for who they are, shut down your desire to be completely understood, realize that everyone is crazy in their own way, and start loving instead of just wanting to be loved"


Make it a musical.

The Brother's Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I highly recommend it.

Awww, I was totally expecting a different Brian Greene...


The whole tone of this article is extremely offensive.

I would have gone with the male's testicles being in such an inconvenient place.

Cast Iron Skillet

I totally disagree with #10. I find that having several different things on my plate, in small quantities, fools my brain into thinking that I have eaten more.

A book that is COMPLETELY wrong for your interests.

I like how you capitalized "Annoying Sister in Law" like it's her name, haha. I have one of these, so I totally get it.

Ditto here, I get a toothbrush ever year and I love it. I figure it's basically the same as receiving cash since it's an item that I will have to buy eventually.