
someone should not end up in jail because of a stupid civil suit.

She didn’t know about it until she was arrested.

90% of all Pre-Columbian Native Americans can tell us a thing or two about measles.

Totally agree. I tried to tell someone that half my grandparents’ and great grandparents siblings didn’t live to adukthood because of flu and childhood disease, and they looked at me like I was insane. My MD wouldn’t give me the pnemoccal vaccine because I’m not in a high risk group and had never had it. I caught it

My 15 yo kid came down with the flu a couple of weeks ago. It’s not just a bad cold. He was projectile vomiting for 48 hours and basically incapacitated for several days. My wife had forgotten to get their flu shots last fall because she was recovering from surgery, and the doctor gently chewed her out for it. They

Yeah, I used to work with an anti-vaxxer and she always was bloviating that the measles is just “chicken pox.” No.

Kids in high school: “why do we have to learn science and biology? It’s not like we’ll have to use this stuff”

One of my former coworkers didn’t get the flu shot as a rule. (It came up in conversation because they were giving out flu shots on site and the rest of our department, including our boss, had all gotten them that day.) Our boss was like “You ever had the flu? Because I did and I really and truly thought I was going

Man, your stupid ass is getting absolutely reemed. lol This is what happens when you #wellactually on the internet with people who are smarter than you.

LOL did you seriously bring the “ban cars not guns” dangerousness argument to the table talking about fucking Cassowaries?

When they start raising cassowaries for food, you call me.

“Originally from Australia”

We have one of these in tennis. His name, oddly, is Tennys (Sandgren). He always gets wiped out before the 4th round of the Slams.

I mean... I’m a fucking know-nothing person who was in the Army once, so maybe I’m not as smart as these vaunted officers of the law, but if the dude has a gun on his lap and you’re so damn concerned about him maybe reaching for it, maybe you should back the hell up and give him space? Like sure: block his car in and

The minute he said this I knew the proverbial shit would hit the fan. I mean Jordan didn’t even have to say this because we all know how white men react when any film, TV show, Broadway Play, off Broadway play, mini series, Romantic Comedy, porno or Instagram post doesn’t revolve around them or their shitty lives. Oh

I’m not a courtroom lawyer but I’m 99% sure cops don’t have the jurisdiction to make sure someone is a really a lawyer in court. That’s the court’s job and only the court’s job. The cop is there for security and to bring criminal defendants in and out of custody. This cop should 100% be fired but I’m sure he won’t be.

I saw this on Baltimore news last night. Same headline, lawyering while black. I can’t wait to hear the excuses already in the making to explain how this wasn’t racial profiling (“when I stopped him, I smelled marijuana, so it seemed suspicious.” “His tail light was broken”, “we verify and double check every lawyer

The fifth paragraph is also gold!

Hi, fellow attorney here to clear up the record. People do have rights in their own image, and those rights pass to their heirs. StormFrontMike2000 is incorrect, and also a piece of shit.