
Thanks. I usually try to support all things Tudyk, but since this one (a) doesn't sound very good and (b) seems to already be dead… I guess I can skip it without feeling bad

Didn't realize it had premiered. So… oops?

Safe to assume you didn't read my other comments where I say they're obviously not promoting them but not "killing" them. Because it's hard to tell if you even read the comment you're responding to by lumping me in with naive people, since nowhere in it do I say "everything is fine".

Think we're mostly saying the same thing, but with my use of "kill off" leaping from Paul's original comment. The X franchise is being de-emphasized, but I think there's a more logical business case for why than simply to screw Fox.

Yeah, I agree that there's a shift in what they're promoting, but I just don't see the "move toward extinction" in a business sense. It costs money to use folks like Lemire, Ramos, Bagley and Land on books - and their work, while not always my cuppa, would help move others.

So they're publishing a bunch of books they hope won't sell?

It certainly doesn't make sense to say that "Marvel is killing the X-Men except Wolverine and Deadpool". Either they're committed to killing Fox-controlled properties or they're not. If the conspiracy theories were true, there wouldn't be 3 or 4 X-Men books and a Wolverine title with no ties to Old Man Logan (or any

Will there be blow?

I feel the same way about Man on Fire (Fuck off)