Super Nice Guy

They really need to have a honey flavor, with Cage’s face in anguish yelling “Not the bees!!!”

Think I’ll opt for “One doesn’t pay for the Hobbit trilogy, extended or not, period.” Such crap films.

Think I’ll opt for “One doesn’t pay for the Hobbit trilogy, extended or not, period.” Such crap films.


Holy crap, need to get this for the wife for my failings... I mean, being a great husband! Honey, be right there...


Actually the babies are under the screen of his smartphone. Once they hatch - well, the next nightmare begins.

I’ve watched all of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure - I’m guessing they chose the latest anime installment because it was simpler in scope (confined to one town). One confusing scene in that trailer was a bunch of tanks - oh, nevermind, it must’ve been the toys sequence. Oh well, I’ll watch it - I liked Jojo’s Bizarre

Strong praise, as Dead Space 2 is an absolute favorite of mine. Based on your recommendation I’ll now give RE7 a shot.

Solid destruction.

I think it’s not whether the car decides to save pedestrians or the driver, but the potential ACS (Adaptive Carnage Score). Your car is driving you along when these delinquent kids purposely jump out in front of you, obviously filled with ill-intent. They expect your car to swerve off the cliff and kill you, your ugly