
In my main playthrough, I was kinda back-and-forth but mostly on the Renegade side, and I still really enjoyed the voice acting! Actually, the Paragon choices always seemed less believable to me (but that's probably because I see my Shep as a total badass that don't take no guff lol).

I'm newer to BioWare, but I have enjoyed the Mass Effect series so much. I came to it late — I usually don't play more sci-fi oriented games, but my S.O. kept telling me I'd love it, so I finally gave it a try — and I will never doubt my S.O.'s recommendations again! My badass, shaved-head femshep is the most

It works pretty damned well, as long as you use thick coats. That was tough for me at first, since I've always done thin coats, but once I got over that, it was pretty much 1) thick coat 2) immediately hold magnet over nail for about 30 seconds 3) voila! They're pretty fun! :)

Sally's Magnetic Polish in Ionic Indigo, because I can't resist a good gimmick. :)

I am no nail expert, but I've had the same problem, and I've found using slightly thicker layers (I'm usually more of a many-thin-layers kinda gal) tends to help. You might also try using a white layer/base coat first — I know this really helps make neon colors 'pop', and it might also help give your pastels a more

I use it for layering, too, and I just use Wet-n-Wild's fast dry in Ebony Hates Chris. Glitter coats especially seem to hold on like super-glue, so I don't think the quality of the black layer is as important in that case. Then again, maybe I'm just telling myself all of that because I REALLY like the super-cheapo

Revlon also has a teal in their scented line that's apparently... "beach"-scented. Whatever that means. :) It's a great color, though!

Winter hands are the worst! I work in a kitchen, too, so the constant exposure to heat elements + insane amounts of hand-washing = alligator hands. I wear whatever polish anyway, because I'm kind of a scrub and polishing is a great calmer/stress-reliever for me, but I've definitely noticed that those pale shades seem

IMO, you should only buy the pricier ones for a good topcoat, a good basecoat, and for a color you REALLY REALLY LIKE (lol, you may be able to hear my inner price-enabler coming out in that last one). Me, I like to change things up a lot, so I'd rather buy 5 different cheap colors than 1 expensive one. I've found as

I'm glad I read this. :) Nail polish has become my impulse-buy substitute for books (I seriously overbuy books. For real. 6 bookshelves in a one bedroom apartment, I'm starting to worry about avalanches!), and I usually try to stick to the $1.99-$0.99 ones to save money, but lately I've been eyeing the Essie brand and

Okay, so you're admitting that there are multiple ways for that tweet to be read (it's a TWEET for chrissakes, maybe she just didn't take time in composing it and worded it wrong!) — and yet you're arguing against my statement that OP's comment seems unnecessarily judgmental? And what if she doesn't know what she's

Your last paragraph hit the nail on the head. Especially the "exclusionary for a stupid reason" part. All the Dita hate on this article seems really ridiculous.

Man, there is a LOT of Dita hate going on. What's the big deal?

I was already misting up at the aged picture of MLK, and then the one of the aged Anne Frank smiling did me in.

Ugh, that (the salad-with-cheese story) is so ridiculously incompetent (and lazy!). I can definitely see your point, though, as to why corporate restaurants might be generally better on these topics. I know for a fact that the company that owns our particular store has a nice little nest of lawyers, so if they have

Great video! Thanks for sharing!

That story made me cringe! I know what you mean regarding the difference between 'ignoring' and 'not being careful', but when it comes to food allergies I think that it amounts to the same thing. (As in: whether from carelessness or flat-out ignoring the situation, in both cases the server is not taking their job

I've already recommended this on another comment, so I'm probably going to sound like a promotion, but take a look at alloyapparel.com. They have Target-comparative prices and most of their stuff comes in plus sizes. I can't specifically speak toward whether I think their plus-size stuff fits well, since I don't wear

Have you tried alloyapparel.com? I don't wear plus-size, per se, but I have a ridiculous inseam (35"), and I LOVE Alloy because it's the only place I've ever found cheap pants that don't make me look like I'm preparing for floodwaters. They're whole deal is that nearly everything they have comes in a HUGE range of