
I've worked in restaurants for over a decade (and not fancy-schmancy ones, either), and I've never worked in one where a server ignoring an allergy claim WOULDN'T be fired. If it happens to you, tell the manager (hell, make a call to corporate, if applicable). Any manager worth his/her salt knows keeping an employee

Ha! Those pictures did make me laugh, though.

Haha, I get that a lot. One of the reasons I can't bring myself to change it. (That, and C&H is awesome!)

GAAAAWD! You ruin EVERYTHING! *stomps off*

"Using phone is not rude. Using it rudely is rude." Well said! I'll remember that.

Yisss! We didn't have nearly as fun of a selection as you did, but that was always how I got my Archie comics.

CRAP. I've always specifically refrained from being on my phone while in a check-out line, mostly because I used to work retail and I think it can often be rude. And I'm a fucking check-out lane impulse buyer for sure — "Hair bands? I can always use more of those." "MOAR GUM PLEASE" ... crappity crap. Guess I shot

Yes! I agree wholeheartedly. I get that (outside of certain groups of people, i.e. soldiers and prisoners) women make up the majority of victims — and I would never support the "why should we care about female victims, no one cares about the male ones" mentality — but from my viewpoint, even ONE rape victim being

Agreed. Painting depression — or any mental illness, for that matter — as solely belonging to one gender is incredibly bad. I get especially pissed off about the whole "eating disorders are only for women" bullshit — when I was younger my main friend group was mostly guys (we were the 'gamer nerds'), and I've had more

Haha, I remember this one! This was around the time when I first started watching SNL (my parents wouldn't let me watch it, so I spent every Saturday at my BFF's house and watched it with her and her parents!), and I remember loving this sketch because it wasn't one of the ones that went over my head.

Now playing

Bleh, I'm having problems embedding, here's the link to the video if you're interested:

Oh man, you just made me go on a Hartman quest on YouTube. I've never seen his audition tape before — german-impression-of-John-Wayne is wonderful!

That's a Disney movie I would want me to see if it existed! :)

Now playing

His name was Shang, and I loved that character because of that song AND the fact that he's voiced by the wonderful BD Wong! I have SUCH a fancrush on him. Here's Wong singing one of my favorite Tori songs, from OZ.

Well, not *me*, per se. I get the good shit, and even high as a kite I think that show is just meeeeh. :) I just couldn't resist making ye olde potheads-watch-bad-comedies joke.

They also grow the ability to enjoy "Workaholics", I hear. :)

Agreed! This is an outrage!

But seriously, there's like three kinds of commenters. What's so confusing? There are normal commenters, trolls, and assholes. Ladyology is a normal commenter. I'm trolling. And then there's the third one.

Don't listen to this idiot; your post had nothing to do with humble-bragging, and it started a great and interesting thread. Some people just have to be assholes.

What an awesome post to wake up to! You should seriously be writing a book, or a blog, or being a motivational speaker, or leading the country. :) Your comments are definitely getting copied/pasted into my secret little 'Folder of Things That Make Me Remember How Awesome Life Is". I hope you don't mind.