
Your parents sound so awesome! Don't get me wrong, I love and appreciate my parents — they were super-progressive for where they came from (my paternal grandfather was a beat-his-kids, refer-to-the-local-black-preacher-as-'nigger preacher' sort of guy, and my dad is the complete opposite of that, for example) — but

ZOMG, MICRO MACHINES! (Sorry, I'm totally having a nostalgia freak-out!) Are those the little cars you're remembering?

Hahaha, I just had an oddly relevant conversation with my boyfriend:

Thankin' you. I had the same response — hell, if I'm being honest, in my current situation (my live-in S.O. works the standard 9-5 while I'm both a full-time student and a part-time worker) my boyfriend often does more 'home stuff' than I do!

Oh man. The comments on this article are bringing back so many awesome memories.

I grew up with parents that were pretty conservative when it came to gender (i.e., 'girls don't really like video games', 'you only want that lightsaber because your brother has one, you'll never play with it') — your post just reminded me of my secret little stash of 'boy stuff' that I used to have. Hot Wheels cars,

YES! I've never gotten over the fiendish book-hoarding aspects of my personality that I developed as a child. I'm currently in the midst of my first "No, seriously, I'm an adult and I can totally weed out my book collection, no problem" crisis — it's so hard!

Popping back in one more time (I swear I'll be done after this) — consider the fact that while oral contraceptives are generally cheaply available in the U.S., there are a lot of reasons why that particular BC would not work for a woman. Anecdata: I come from a family with a long history of clinical depression for

Hi. I actually read your comment on my phone (where I'm always a lurker) when you first posted, and I wanted to hunt it back down when I had a chance to be on my laptop. So, you know, first of all — you got an overly stressed student/full-time worker to go out of her way to talk to you; so, you know, good job. :)

Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds? :)

I have no idea, I stumbled across it once on Imgur and have saved it for use ever since. :) Feel free to use it!

Yes! Haha, well said!

Here's my face when I finally got sized and went from wearing a 34B to a 34D. I was all, "DOOD, did you know boobs are hella bigger when you don't smoosh them down?!"

I see what you're saying (sorry for the misunderstanding — I'm not always at my most alert when I have time to comment here!). And I definitely agree that in the larger picture of things not reporting serious crimes does negatively impact society in multiple ways. But you bring up another interesting point — sometimes

So, weird question... how did you get diagnosed? Is there a specific test you took? I ask because I feel like you just described my life, and, well, I've been kind of in denial about the ADHD thing for awhile. It's common in my family, and many of us have been diagnosed as adults, but I've been on this whole "I've

It depends on whether you're talking about personal or professional situations.

I have the exact same problem — super-dry skin (especially during all the snow my neck of the woods is having) that shows up like sandpaper when I put makeup on. For one thing, off of the recommendations of some of the ladies here on Jez, I've switched to the oil cleansing method, and that has REALLY helped with my

I have always had a soft spot for all bright red hair. I miss having red hair, but I just don't have the time/money/effort anymore to dye it. I am super-lazy, and my hair grows super fast! I like it when ladies like Snooki give me my red hair happy vicariously. :)

You realize that there are more reasons to not report a rape then "writing it off" and "letting it slide", right? Maybe it wasn't your experience (and I hope it wasn't), but many victims don't report out of very real fears — they can range from anything as extreme as revenge-violence from the attacker, to the much