Nope! Although I read Kotaku, too... I just tend to lurk more because the commenters are not always so female-friendly. -.-;
Nope! Although I read Kotaku, too... I just tend to lurk more because the commenters are not always so female-friendly. -.-;
Yes! I totally thought that, too!
I've always thought Snooki was a pretty girl, though I wasn't a fan of her style — I think she looks absolutely lovely in her "makeunder" picture, though!
Maybe we're not using enough pictures. We need a "How to Not Be Racist: A Picture Book for Bigots", stat.
OMIGOD LET ME COME. I suck at hair-braiding, but I am one helluva bartender!
"Some feminists have made the argument that drag is very similar to blackface, and that neither is acceptable."
This made me laugh. And now I want to cry.
I know that I, personally, only ever take my lessons about the government from internet comments that contain "The government is what is screwing you over lol". CHECKS AND BALANCES, GUISE!
I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but every time I see your username I hear the chocobo squawk in my head (and the theme music), and then I get this big goofy grin. :D
So, I have a theory about guys like this, but please take this with a grain of salt, as men are obviously not a hive-mind, and I'm not trying to group them all together. Okay, that said — I'm a woman myself, but being that kinda awkward tomboy-type when I was younger (plus having a HUGE obsession with games and…
Oh, good. Next time I've had a few glasses of wine and do some one-eyed commenting that makes me look like a complete idiot, I'll say, "Oh, Jezzies, don't get mad at the Smithy empire. This was just drunk Smithy's programming. We certainly don't condone 'stringing trolls up by their tiny, tiny penises'."
Welp, I can't figure out if my dreams or my nightmares are coming true, but I'm willing to find out. XD
Excellent! :D
Oh, yes, I should've been more clear — I wasn't saying the thing about my nephew as a counterpoint to *you*, but more as a "I totally agree women should have all the info, but should also feel free to toss it out the window!" :)
I just wanted to drop a note and say that I really enjoyed both of your thoughtful and informative comments. Also, I am completely pro-choice as well, and would never judge someone for choosing to abort in response to a doctor's warnings about possible diseases and/or conditions the baby may have — but it's worth…
Everything after the first paragraph: yes, yes, and yes.
Don't apologize, that is some high-quality ranting right there! Especially this: "We are constantly being told that words mean nothing. (see the Seth McFarlane crapfest) That by saying anything and everything about anybody anywhere, we are becoming more open and truthful. I think this is a persuasive way of saying…