
While I applaud your willingness to try and think the best of people, I know my personal experience has taught me that stalker behavior (read: repeatedly showing strong and obvious interest in someone who has shown they are not receptive) rarely leads to anything good. No matter how sweet the poems are, or how silly

Agreed. The club should already have a policy in place for banning customers, which may or may not involve police notification. I really hope that she works for a club that supports its dancers in these kinds of situations. Stalkers should not be treated lightly.

Thanks for clarifying — I had a feeling I was reading it wrong, and I didn't want to fly off the handle (although I guess it's debatable if I succeeded :/). Yeah, it definitely seems like journalistic integrity's gone out the window on all aspects of this case.

I've read one or two interesting/thoughtful threads over there, so I know they're not all bad, but MAN do they remind me of my group of guy friends when I was 13.

Yeah, I pretty much figured the same thing. The only reason I wondered is I know there's been a lot of arguing over big social sites retaining rights to the photos people post, and thought maybe that might extend to said social sites allowing the AP to use those photos (for a price, of course). More than likely,

Oh, I totally get that anyone focusing solely on the pictures being used isn't just overreacting, they're kinda missing the point. I thought the quotations were more the focus of the article's (and the comments') rage than the pictures, but that could just be my bias because the quotations REALLY pissed me off (while

That's a great point, but can we really blame journalists when (at least here in America) 'domestic' is often the word used to describe it legally? I've always hated the use of that term, too, but I wouldn't really call it Katie's 'use of the term' — she's merely repeating what has been reported about the story.

This. You said it so much better (and probably a lot more civilly) than I would have.

I'm sorry, did you just completely dismiss the misogynistic and careless handling of the reporting of a victim's death by multiple news outlets because one of them fucked up on mentioning how the alleged murder lost his legs? Or am I misunderstanding you?

I'm not sure which are worse: the misogynistic comments, or the ones that fall over themselves to write the most OMG LOL SO FUNNY SOMEONE DIED jokes.

I thought that as well — that the news orgs most readily available photos may have been modeling ones (as any out-in-public or candid shots found on the internet might not be legally available to publish). However, if she was also a professional model, I'm sure it would be no great stretch to get in touch with an

My reaction when I read that quotation...

Not that it makes the statement any less horrific, but for a second I thought you meant an actual NPR writer had written that quotation. D: I'm so glad it wasn't, as all of the coverage I've heard from them has been very sensitive and well-handled, imho, and I'd hate to see that that wasn't true.

Also, I just noticed your username for the first time, and made this really ridiculous "hurrhurrhurr" laugh. :D

I totally have sympathy for the "left out" thing. It's one of the reasons I try really hard not to smoke when I'm around non-smoking friends (especially if it's a one-on-on hangout — who wants to be left alone in the bar while the chimney goes outside?) — of course, this means I'm usually looking like a complete fiend

So, let's get this straight — the word "disgusted" is your breaking point, but "fuck" is okay, and so is being a fat-shaming, know-it-all asshat? Got it.

I'm honestly disgusted that, even with all the responses you received, you still can't figure it out.

I can see what you mean. Although I've noticed that the portrayal of smokers in media has gone WAY down, you still definitely get the "cool badass with a cigarette" trope. Of course, I've also seen the birth of the "disgusting old person with a cigarette" trope, but it definitely doesn't compare to the "hey, let's use

Yes, he is. And thank you! :)

Ahh, you reached the blind rage threshold. He/she definitely earned it.