
Polyliterary? Swingerature?

I was thinking the exact same thing... and then I got to the part where NONE OF THESE IDIOTS PICKED UP "The Things They Carried". That is just wrong. If there is only one story you read in your entire life about the experiences of war, it should be that one.

1) The mental image of someone getting a roundhouse during a food fight nearly made me inhale my coffee.

I'm just chiming in to third the "your mom is frikkin' awesome" sentiment. You should let her know she's got the beginnings of a cult following on Jez. ;D

*applause* Kudos to you for being extraordinarily civil and gracious to this asshat. Clearly, I wasn't capable of doing the same.

"I'm not a doctor. Does that make my opinion invalid?" No, but it does render your opinion significantly less important than facts from doctors.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Way to miss the point.

You tell them (no matter their gender) that unless they actually want to fuck every single person they see, that they're being hypocrites and more than a bit idiotic*. I've listened to both men and women complain about how "men/women are so shallow, they only want a super-hot person, not someone who's fat/has

"Instead, I had to check several COTDs from last week and this week to find the right one"

Thank you. I agree completely (both on the 'great comment' and the addendum).

This is anecdata, but I'm a smoker and my experience has been the complete opposite of what you've said. Lots of people refuse to date smokers, and lots of people treat us like we're worthless or "lesser-than" because of the addiction — or 'habit', as they're fond of saying.

Thank you, and the other mods, for doing what you do. It can't be an easy job, judging by the sheer amount of hate that gets posted here. I, for one, really appreciate it — while I've watched hateful comments populate brand new articles in shocking numbers, y'all somehow manage to keep it so this blog has less RIH

Dismissal of comments is up to the person that you're responding to. For instance, you could dismiss my comment. If you don't want to be dismissed, start a new thread.

The OP called the non-preferred words "outdated and stigmatized", words that both tend to imply that the *majority* feels a certain way about something. I don't think s/he was trying to say all trans* people feel that way, just that the majority of them tend to. I think that's fair. But you're right, the best way to

Yes. I was a really introverted kid, and learning to be social was difficult, but I think it helps to get started as early as possible. Assuming my kid would also be an introvert (most people in my family are), I think it would definitely be a good thing.

Bahahaha! Perfectly put!

She is definitely NOT fat. Even wearing a swimsuit way too small for her, she's nowhere near approaching fat.

Yaaaaay! :D

Ha! Having to find a new job quickly sucked, but I was so high on that "BITE ME!" feeling that it was totally worth it. :D

If there's one thing that I love the food industry for, it's that it really brought me out of my shell — and that lead to me being better at standing up for myself. :) Thanks!