Well, I think we’ve located the problem, then.
Well, I think we’ve located the problem, then.
Someone remind me again - are these the bad guys?
Right, because Batman should only be self-parody from now on.
Bruce Wayne is one of the most criminally under-used characters in comics.
Considering one of Batman’s primary traits (some would even say his superpower) is obsessive single-mindedness, is this really surprising? He’s kind of the poster boy for workaholics who are married to their jobs.
This makes me want a Mass Effect-style Star Fox game.
Michael Bay is the new Uwe Boll.
This almost makes me want to play a Final Fantasy game.
He definitely would, but I think I’d prefer to see Cranston as Mr. Freeze.
How awesome would it be if Clancy Brown is revealed to be Lex Luthor Sr? That would almost redeem the shitshow that BvS apparently is.
I would also accept Gus from Breaking Bad.
Totally read the dog’s lines in Blood’s voice from A Boy and His Dog.
Agreed — I’d have to say my ideal Batman exists in the center of a holy trinity of Bruce Timm, Tim Burton, and Grant Morrison.
Definitely would have preferred this version of Bats over the Frank Miller version they went with for the DCCU.
You just really can’t top the Animated Series. I’m one of “those” people.
Must have been a problem with Kinja. That’s weird. Btw, I got your response twice.
2.5 ... ish. He’s a Gen 3 prototype.
Max Payne was supposed to be a massive cliche.... that’s the joke.
I’m guessing you didn’t play Black Flag?
About the same as the odds of getting an Elder Scrolls game in a present day setting, as anyone would have been able to tell you, since the inception of either series. I don’t know why people keep pining away for a present day game. Present day is just a framing device, it never has been, and never will be the focus…