
@USB_Humping_Dog: He raped the computer industry, and put many competitors out of business with un-fair and restrictive practices.

That pile of ca$h fuels a number of things for Apple:

@OpenPotion: already happening, they just have some much historical inertia that they haven't noticed yet... #chartoftheday

@Anonymoose: Apple pie chart would have been nice...

Very very entertaining to watch the MS drone 'experts' go up against Morgan Stanley - best laugh I've had all day (but it is early...)

Does Ballmer get bonused on giving out stupid media sound bites?

@thetickler: Lens ownership is the big one for most people I expect - no way I'm changing camp$ at this point! #canon1dmarkiv

@vqro: I have a knack of picking the best products - always have had.

@szrimaging: Good one, hadn't thought of that.

@15sunrises: Pictures are up on Canon's JP site...