
It’s like Lubbock in the spring but with less dirt.

The answer is yes. They have the most poorly organized group of app programmers. While I didn’t write their apps, it is where the problem stems from. That group is a bunch of 20-somethings for a govt. contractor working from bunker to bunker to try and fix their code. No joke... they didn’t have source control. The

To this day respectable programmers cur their teeth on assembly. That’s why so few respectable programmers are left.

I just use G+ almost exclusively since It provides a more collaborative social experience, especially with people you don’t know.

Holy crap, somebody get those guys some shoes!

All you need to ensure that you have a Turkey fit for the Griswolds :

All you need to ensure that you have a Turkey fit for the Griswolds :

Vortex Pok3r (Poker 3)

Vortex Pok3r (Poker 3)

A custom build, but since you cant copy amazon links to those, razer and the other bullshit brands will take the win.

A custom build, but since you cant copy amazon links to those, razer and the other bullshit brands will take the win.

I take your TRaSh-80 and raise you ONE BROKEN IBM5150 CGA 8-bit ISA Video CARD:

My Tandy TRS-80 Model III.

Seriously, if people follow this you will get free food! You have to be either a millennial or an enormous asshole (or a Trump) but it works.

We at the +Dallas Makerspace​ are currently offering this kid a membership (sent email to parents). Let’s get this kid a few mentors, stat!

On a side note, a large percentage of people in Irving are Indian and Middle Eastern.... So I don’t understand this at all. All it takes is one stupid, ignorant person to screw it

How do you know it was a word processor?

None Do. Take a look at the Kernels in most devices and they top out on providing power of 80-150ma for OTG.

I didn't even read the article and I already like this guy, just for having a Model M.

Guys, hasn't anyone considered that the fact that this JUST WORKS is a miracle in and of itself?

But that's how you shoot when you're actually making a film. While scene-to-scene consistency is important, the idea is to make sure that you're not pushing your dynamic range (you don't want to crush your blacks or blow out your whites). If shot properly, everything should look somewhat washed out. All their first

That was the early days, I think. There's full x86 builds of Android now. And really, all you have to do is port the non-java portions of the system (so, all the low level stuff), and then rewrite Dalvik/ART to compile down to x86 instructions instead of ARM instructions.