Rzmmdx Leetuber

I am eating popcorn just fine.

What’s “Film” ???

Should have just used Alex Hunter for the cover.


So the button placements aren’t even in any order?

I am just going to summarize this as go exercise till you are tired and go to sleep.

Can we just have an investigation already?

I say that every single day.

I would blame Canada too.

Till your food for them.

When are those rich Drumpfr supporters at?

Well, this probably won’t be completed anytime soon.

Is this worse than the time that he livestreamed Ragnarok?

Super Villains.

Is the switch constantly online?


Pretty sure this by itself is the most old man thing that they could have ever done in order to appear to be hip. 

Nerd crimes are sad crimes. He is so gonna be bottom in jail.

What a beta. Dad should have used parental controls on his internet usage though.

Must be nice to have nothing else better to do.