
.....the face.....

I get that but, but an ex-lover is still an ex.

How decadent are we talking here, like just driving a pointlessly ostentatious car, or full-on reclining on a couch, being fed grapes by topless serving girls while a child fans them with a palm frond?

It’s not “starting drama” for your friend’s girlfriend to be uncomfortable with her boyfriend being best friends with an ex, especially an ex who sees the distance as the reason you’re not still together.

“Baby mana” is something a rapist would say about a woman he impregnated. Not a wife/girlfriend/fiancee/friend with benefits/an acquaintance.

Agreed. I scrolled all the way down here to see if anyone else had said anything. Being mocked/bullied is bad enough, but that it’s recorded and sent out to social media and then it gets a bajillion “likes” and “shares” which only encourages shitty behavior is really fucking awful. The fact that the video made it here

The video isnt relevant to the news story, and just glorifies douchebros harassing women.

Ugh that bro dipshit insulting Iggy in the video is AWFUL. Why share that on this site?