
As someone who grew up where steamed hamburgers are an actual thing, I never get tired of this joke.

I think it’s best after watching the clip to find out it was his friends that made the account for him, and he just had no idea he could change it.

All things considered, this is probably the best thing they could’ve done for this game.

It’s why they also decided to do a Discord chat as well. Spent some time in there, and it was by far a better experience than twitch chat.

Really surprised and pleased by this. Was kinda debating going through the trouble of buying the Japanese version, glad I don’t have to.

I get what you are saying. I used to be really in to DDR way back, and making the jump to the PS Miku games isn’t easy (I started with Project Mirai on 3DS, which is much easier). But I’ve found that, just like DDR, all you need is practice. Start on Normal, learn the songs, and just keep at it.

It probably seemed like a good idea at the time. The UMD was a horrible idea, but going all digital at a time when most of your game library was physical media was worse. Especially if you didn’t have a decent internet connection, or the games you wanted to play were not on the PSP’s online store (if I recall, some

It really is a great series. I ended up getting into the Miku’s Project games after seeing a recommendation for the 3DS Project Mirai games last year, and ended up picking up Project Diva F 2nd shortly after.

I’d say it wasn’t completely scripted. I watched that go down, and it appeared that the injury occured when Lesnar connected with an elbow onto Orton’s head.

By the way, the song from that trailer is actually available on itunes, and has been stuck in my head since I heard it:

Is it just me, or do the controllers it comes with use the same ports as the one on the Wii Remote? Can I use them with the Wii/Wii U?

I gotta do some digging to find the source, but I remember hearing that most network and toy execs believe that boys buy more toys. Not too surprising when you stop and watch a few toy commercials and notice just how male focused they can be.

To your first question, yes, there is a Marriott hotel attached to the convention center where the Con is held. To your second question, I’m not sure. I spent most of my time as a volunteer staff member when I attended the con, and haven’t been able to go the last few years thanks to financial reasons, so I couldn’t

Connecticon is fun if you are in the Northeast, I suggest people give it a go. Though take that recommendation with a grain of salt since I happen to be friends with the guy who runs it.

I know Sony is making Playstation VR a big deal. Was there anything at the show this year that you can say makes it worth investing in, or should I save my $300?

If you noticed, just about every presenter for the press conferences today had some sort of rainbow ribbon or pin on them in a show of support.

How do you guys feel about the possible reveals of the newer versions of the PS4 and Xbox One? Do you think its a good move, or are Sony and Microsoft shooting themselves in the foot just to make their hardware VR compatible?

While I’m disappointed at the lack of songs compared to the previous games, I’m probably still getting this anyway. Just gonna wait until August, though, and pick up the NA release.

Im most interested to see how this affects the market prices for cards already on the market. I’m looking to upgrade on a budget, and hope this makes some really good cards just a little bit cheaper.

I was actually discussing his with some friends, and I came to the conclusion one of the best game to movie adaptations has to be Mortal Kombat. It told it’s story well, kept the important characters to a managable number, and left quite a few character cameos and nods to the original game in for all the hardcore