on how home moka pots are treated as espresso makers
on how home moka pots are treated as espresso makers
I use one currently. Let it sit for a while after brewing. The mess of grounds will soak up a lot of the excess water and dry out a bit. You can then scrape it into the trash with a spoon a lot easier.
It’ll still need a rinse, but I’ve been saved from any clogs by a garbage disposal. So I can’t tell you if the…
Even if you don’t agree that espresso needs a specific type of bean and roast.
Espresso requires a large amount of pressure, and a compressed puck of fine ground coffee. It’s something like 6 bars of pressure minimum.
when people refer to it they mean that they want a single cup of manually brewed coffee.
If you haven’t figured it out yet I know.
Better than you apparently.
Hollowly repeating that over, and over, and over and over. Is really poor cover for whatever the fuck you’re actually on about.
Who gives a fuck about the snack cakes.
According to you an independent family owned company that treats it’s employees well is an evil disaster that only results from corporate consolidation.
You’ll smear smaller companies that are standing up to that 800lb gorilla for the sake of mouth off.
Little Debbie was apparently the major brand in the South East. Hostess was originally an North East brand and, and while it was available nationally it wasn’t neccisarily the top brand in other regions.
Part of what I’m getting at. This is one of those markets that, like beer, was intensely regional. The…
Hostess got eaten up by Bimbo. That’s what monopoly does! Now Bimbo owns all of those brands.
Hostess management was putting the screws to labor long before they got financialized to high hell and got themselves in trouble.
I grew up in the New York Metro Area.
That’s a bit narrow.
Not finding anything in particular may more of a problem of where you’re located. I can run out an get Entenmann’s right now in Philadelphia.
TastyCake is not dismissed, disappeared or impossible to find.
It’s rigidly regional brand from Philadelphia that’s actually doing very well and has been expanding North to fill the gap left by Hostess’s troubles. It wasn’t even available in New York State until about 5 or 10 years ago.
Chowder in general.
It’s from New England. Not just people will tend to associate it with New England.
Couldn’t read the article?
There are no potentially good things to do with it that you couldn’t do without it.
They’re not talking about scarcity as a game mechanic.
They’re talking about scarcity in economics.
The scarcity is a bit of a fiction. Part and parcel of the crypto bubble, NFTs included. Is there’s not enough demand or money involved for a significant chunk of the people who bought in to actually get money out of what they bought.
That confusion is part of the point. A lot of it is deliberately over complicated to make it seem valid. And it allows proponents to dismiss critics, by claiming they don’t understand.
Apparently the coding and infrastructure are fairly complex. But you don’t need to know dick about that to understand the concept.