
Oddly enough salt marsh lamb seems to be completely unavailable in the US, and I doubt many people would know what it is.

That’s despite having plenty of salt marsh, near farming areas, where farming sheep is becoming more popular. And proposals to graze animals in or near marshland for recovery and control of ticks

Yeah the beer business is headed for a crash. And the pandemic is not helping. Something like 70% of the alcohol market is in bars and restaurants, no amount of retail uptick was going to offset what COVID has done there. And the retail uptick kinda a went away last spring.

Part of the focus on Seltzers is, especially

That is dated October 1980.

We changed the rules in 2005. From what I recall it’s actually ensconced in a trade treaty at this point.

SURE. But long standing connotations are long standing connotations.

Millions of people in the US drink tea everyday.

But Tea still has a connotation of fancy schmancy here. Cause English people.

For context .5% of the population in the US is like million, a million and half people.

And not everyone with a meat allergy needs to avoid cross contamination. My brother picked up an alpha gal allergy from a tick bite. After the acute period passed, cross contamination wasn’t an issue for him at all. I’m allergic to

I think more importantly. The bottle has been seemingly melted a bit to make it look old and crunched.

And the siracha there in is the disturbing dark red-brown that results from some one never refrigerating a long open bottle.

The prop was clearly dressed, carefully, to look extra gross and college studenty.

If “cap

Thing is you’re not the market.

Neither are the vegans. Vegans are at most half a percent of the US population. Vegetarians in general, where cross contamination is much less of an issue, are still just 5% in the highest polling.

Numbers globally are actually smaller.

In most given markets you’re talking about a few

I really don’t think it does.

Like I said actual sales numbers and revenue show a 4% drop at major retailers and convenience chains (most of what Neilson tracks here). More comprehensive looks including beer distributors and small retailers show a larger one. Up to 14%. That’s not a drop in growth, it’s actual volume

peppermint extract to put in my brownie bites

Say what you will about Michael Bloomberg

As goes labor rights. It’s nice to tip, particularly at places like Starbucks where it’s expected.

But as for drive throughs in general, making that a thing could cause more of a problem than you’d think.

Almost all of the hard seltzers already use artificial sweeteners to some extent.

Low cal is part of the pitch on these. But the bulk of the calories in most alcoholic drinks come directly from that alcohol. So lowering calories means lowering abv. Otherwise they have to strictly limit added sugar to keep it within

while long term growth is projected to be strong

G4 in general is forever linked in my head to shit like The Man Show, Axe Body Spray and TNN’s rebrand as Spike TV. All kinda launched around the same time. All seemed to be firmly rooted in selling a kind of lad mag dude broness to 14 year boys.

Practically everything trading in that kind of retrograde “it’s man

Imagine if she was anything less than brilliant in that moment, had slipped up, or said something awkwardly?

If veggie-based meat products keep growing in popularity in grocery stores

shows no signs of slowing down.

As goes Gruyere. It’s a bit of weird one. As Gruyere has been made, under at that name. In France as well as Switzerland for a VERY long time. And the part of what is now Switzerland it’s associated with is French Speaking.

they even allow the term “Champagne” on sparkling wines that are carbonated by fermentation so long as there’s a modifier, such as “California Champagne.”

Hunting in Europe is a bit more restricted than the US. And traditionally in the UK hunting in general, via land ownership, was restricted to the gentry and royalty. Especially deer, where various times or in particular places deer were all owned by the Queen/King.

Hunting was particularly associated with nobility,