
Wow my old boss who started as a commercial baker in East New York in the 60's. And has been using brick floor ovens for 50 years is gonna be upset to find out that he’s “Manhattan Bullshit” and has existed since 2000. 

No it innit. Unless by chance it one of the more expensive ovens with a brick floor. Not everyone of those you see is a brick oven. Often enough tile, often enough just metal. Depends on how much you spent. 

I’m not gonna argue on the conveyor ovens.

But brick floor ovens aren’t as common as you think. Most pizza ovens just have metal floor. 

All that chop cheese bullshit

$1 slices are almost never big enough to fold. The whole trick with that shit is to compromise everything. Lowest quality cheese and pre-made sauce. Skimp on both. Make them pizzas tiny.

Then if you add a topping it becomes a $3 slice.

Dollar Slice /= New York Pizza. It’s the trash food that’s destroying the pizza

It’s funny. Cause Stonks bros keep insisting GameStop is undervalued/strong of the top of some mythical shift to digital distribution. As if a PC market that’s locked into Steam, that they abandoned decades ago will some how jump all over Game Stop for reasons. Or Microsoft and Sony will suddenly allow 3rd party

Yeah they’re easy to come by near my folks. Just cause that’s a small town with a seasoning of Trumpers.

criminal mummies

The Lidl version is every bit as good as the real thing. They have just about the best knock off Thin Mint I’ve ever had too.

Great news for the oyster farmers out there, but I do wonder about the “winners.” I mean, they just bought some oysters, hoping to enjoy a delicacy, and then crack them open only to find an empty shell and a note. Then, they get all riled up thinking they’ve won pounds upon pounds of oysters only to find out they’re

It also seems like one of those restaurant cook tips, that doesn’t translate.

Like I’m sure if you do it 25+ times a day you get pretty good at telling exactly what 135f on your particular cake tester is.

But no one at home is going to pull that off.

And I say as some one who used to be able to absolutely nail a steak

The proprietary blend is red 40. Bright red hotdogs are not super uncommon, even if they’re kinda regional. They’re all just dipped in food coloring.

Hot dog chili. Michigan dogs are part of a whole complex of chili dogs that are named after places that have never herd of them. Midwestern Coney Island Dogs or “coneys” aren’t from Coney Island. Michigan Dogs aren’t from Michigan. Jersey’s Texas Wieners have fuck all to do with Texas.

Zweile’s are boss.

It’s worth pointing out that this is for high grade Japanese Wagyu.

Typical American Wagyu can usually be cooked like any other steak.

There’s also no temp specified. It’s usually recommended to cook a5 Wagyu a little bit higher than you might a regular steak. All that extra fat requires a bit more rendering. And with

The closest thing I can typically think is foie gras. Though it’s obvious “steakier” in most ways. But it’s got that same meat butter thing going on. 

It’s intra-muscular fat, so It’s not like pork belly where there are distinct stripes of solid fat and lean meat. Most of the fat is striated through the muscle, so it’s kinda of all mixed together.

I think it’s like 40% fat by weight with a5. That might be the whole carcass though, individual cuts may be higher. 

Like I said same style of hotdog. Beef and pork, dominant spices are black pepper nutmeg and some marjoram.

Cheap sparkling wine =/= champagne.

I have a bunch of family in the Carolinas, and have spent an assload of time in North Carolina.

And have never seen these things, or met anyone down who’s heard of them. Despite my looking for them. I think they may be way more regional than North Carolina in general. My fam is pretty much all the way West, rather