isn’t overfished nearly as badly
isn’t overfished nearly as badly
just one of those silly cooking factoids that gets repeated like never wash mushrooms.
Mostly for export. It’s an off season alternative/bycatch for lobstermen primarily. Used to be caught just for bait.
I’ve eaten a lot of monkfish. And no way no how is it “texturally more like a crustacean”. That’s a marketing claim based on the supposed use of “poor man’s lobster” to refer to monkfish in New England.
It’s something I never heard until efforts to market it began in the 90's.
It’s firmer yes. But the segmented,…
You could actually make a pretty compelling statement about School Shootings, draw some attention to the way they’ve just become background noise, highlight the tragedy.
Discounting dive bars most bars have a cocktail menu.
It doesn’t neccisarily indicate anything about the skill level of the staff. A lot of times it’s just provided by a liquor wholesaler.
As goes the chart. It’s only about $.05 shift for a couple of months between those two peaks. That might be better viewed as a single seasonal dip, IIRC cows tend to be slaughtered in late summer into fall and Winter. So prices are seasonally lowest then.
I just paid 4.99/lb for a 3lb package of 80/20. Prior to the pandemic the same was regularly available at the same grocery chain for $1.99/lb. Regular price not sale.
That was also about as cheep as I’ve seen that same package of ground beef, at the same grocery chain. Owing to said move. They were running…
You were aware that food prices are up but expected increases of a few cents?
Well the ins and outs of this subreddit are interesting. I think its probably worth reporting on the Duggars and Josh in their own right. Part of how that whole thing blew up is how many people are only loosely familiar.
They recall hearing about the past accusations, and otherwise remember the cheery reality TV bull…
Yeah I was more speaking in generalities. Especially when it comes to the “where my RPGs” end of it. The ones you call out certainly are plenty clear. But with a lot of old PC stuff, even where there’s a clear through line of this guy bought that guy who bought that guy.
In my experience you don’t. Cause in the proposed situation where there’s a few “decent” gifts, and a bunch of fun nonsense. No one fights over the decent ones.
In my experience you don’t. Cause in the proposed situation where there’s a few “decent” gifts, and a bunch of fun…
Dude. The entire point of a White Elephant is that the gifts are *bad* or funny.
Dude. The entire point of a White Elephant is that the gifts are *bad* or funny.
They were relatively common when I was a kid, if briefly. They were much more common in people’s homes than the Commodore 64. Which everyone in the US seems plenty familiar with because it’s what most schools had.
A lot of early PC games have really unclear IP situations. It can be next to impossible on a lot of things to determine who if anyone owns them. So it’s not even as simple as “EA owns it and won’t license it!”.
You could have 2 or three companies who are sure they own that IP. And 2 or 3 more who suspect they do. And…
I really dislike the Aeropress. It’s way finicky, especially since it only makes a single cup. And I just don’t think it makes a a good cup of coffee.
This sounds like a recipe for disturbed sleep.
Well the tweet from Church includes the key phrase “he said he was there”. So....
For scungilli it might make sense to be more specific.
Worse those pronged ice picks will break pretty easy. Sending those usually replaceable tines flying. Into faces or drinks.
Most people won’t be chipping down an ice block at home. And if your bag of ice is frozen together you can just drop it on the floor a couple of times.
Professionally these are mostly used to chip…