
So today in the US, the Iron Cross design is more associated with motorcycle lifestyle.

You do know what average means right?

Most of these assholes aren’t even aware it’s a comic character’s logo. They’ve simply adopted it’s use from the Military, where the Punisher does have a bit of a following. Because “Warrior Symbol!” or some trash.

I think a bit in that middle part Fringilla works quite well. With the whole we’ll use the Elves, it’s a message from the while flame sctick. But then they kinda drop that and it’s almost a romance with Francesca. And Cahir shows up and it’s all hemming and hawing.

It almost worked again when she straight murders

Even the named ones like Lambert and Coen didn’t really get characterization till after that. Which is truly weird. I didn’t read the books, but I’m familiar enough and have played the games. So I was confused as hell about whether the swapped or combined characters. Googling shit to see if I had crossed something up.

Yeah I was more speaking in generalities. Especially when it comes to the “where my RPGs” end of it. The ones you call out certainly are plenty clear. But with a lot of old PC stuff, even where there’s a clear through line of this guy bought that guy who bought that guy.

In my experience you don’t. Cause in the proposed situation where there’s a few “decent” gifts, and a bunch of fun nonsense. No one fights over the decent ones.

In my experience you don’t. Cause in the proposed situation where there’s a few “decent” gifts, and a bunch of fun

Yeah the fact that $45K is a common price point for cars doesn’t mean it’s less of a stretch.

Most people couldn’t wrangle that. Most people can’t afford new cars at all.

Dude. The entire point of a White Elephant is that the gifts are *bad* or funny.

Dude. The entire point of a White Elephant is that the gifts are *bad* or funny.

There were a couple things that were a little flubbed. Like that whole thing with Eskel. They seem to have been attempting to do a thing where the Leshen “infecting” him changed his behavior. But they only showed how he was before hand after he was dead, and no one really commented on his behavior.

I was referring to improvements in range and charge times.

I am more shocked that they managed to do this without China.

The Chinese market has been the big ole hold up on Marvel’s other flicks this year. And sort of the only bit of the movie market that has been able to drive normal, non end times box office numbers.

Given that you could not read my comment closely enough to catch that it doesn’t once include the word “brother”.

You might want to give it another skim.

Cause I mentioned everything you just did as a proviso. Twice that you’re not getting a charger set up in a typical apartment. As an owner or renter.

They were relatively common when I was a kid, if briefly. They were much more common in people’s homes than the Commodore 64. Which everyone in the US seems plenty familiar with because it’s what most schools had.

A lot of early PC games have really unclear IP situations. It can be next to impossible on a lot of things to determine who if anyone owns them. So it’s not even as simple as “EA owns it and won’t license it!”.

You could have 2 or three companies who are sure they own that IP. And 2 or 3 more who suspect they do. And

I really dislike the Aeropress. It’s way finicky, especially since it only makes a single cup. And I just don’t think it makes a a good cup of coffee.

This sounds like a recipe for disturbed sleep.

Well the tweet from Church includes the key phrase “he said he was there”. So....

Tesla forced them to release their volt/bolt

The truck costs $110,295, which puts it out of reach for the majority of people.