
To answer Samin’s question. The problem is that most of that water comes back out when you cook the meat.

That $79k number looks like it comes from HUD, who use a different metric (and term it median family income). The official number comes from the Census Bureau. They won’t release a 2021 number till into next year. But the 2020 number is $67,521.

This line from Fink hits a lot of my familiarity with the guy/site.

That’s the point. They’re halfway entertaining if far too on the nose. And before cable was a thing normal people had, you were basically stuck with them for a least 3 days during the Holiday season. So you OWNED that shit.

I feel like Top Gun is supposed to he bad. Tony Scott’s whole thing is highly stylish trash bordering on trash.  

Having gone to film school, where those black and white movies were things you had to write papers on. As was Young Frankenstein.

It was the only Mel Brooks flick I disliked for a REALLY long time. And I get why people like it. It’s beautifully shot. There’s good jokes in there, the cast is intense. Brooks is Brooks. But it’s just kind of. Dreary?

They’re hardly the only brand you mentioned.

Do some basic math. 13.50 at 40 hours a week works out to 28,080. Entirely in pounds. That’s not 24k. That’s not “a lot less” than the 29k you just cited. At the lower end it’s still 24,960

So you’re gonna call others Whiskey snobs while mentioning small scale, limited availability producers?

You know what you’re right. There was a shift at one point to account for clear whiskeys, and whiskeys not aged in new charred barrels that I always forget about.

But point being. No one is avoiding the shortcomings of young whiskey in 2 years, or by blending in purchased product. And bourbon boom, and attendant

Not “in Texas” everywhere. Legally it can take as little as two. That is the minimum legal requirement for aged spirit to use the label “whiskey”, or any of the specific sorts of whiskey we make.

Which is the problem. 2 year old whiskey is rough. Even blended with older product bought in it results in a young raw

What’s weird about it? Most of Thai and Vietnamese food contains both.

That’s how I hit on it. Didn’t realize there was cilantro on a Banh Mi. No soapy taste. The pork up in there was marinaded with fish sauce.

Widow Jane has become both hard to find in my area. And very expensive. Last bottle I ran into was like $115. It is good whiskey. But it is not hundred dollar whiskey.

I know their sales rep from this area. It exploded in popularity, and the brand and wholesaler prefer to focus on on-premise sales. So you’ll see it

It’s not even limited to thinking Absinthe is a powerful psychedelic and the DEA is gonna come to get you.

I’ve more than once ordered from a place that said they shipped to New York. Prominently listed on their website! Or hanging off the back of a god damn airplane flying over the beach I’m on. Only to have the

If it’s an option.

Shipping alcohol by mail is technically a no-go in the US, though the Post Office doesn’t check and doesn’t really care. And private shipping companies typically allow it.

Sending alcohol across state lines on the other hand is complicated. Many states disallow it entirely. Those that do allow it

Cut over a paper towel on the counter.

Those plastic bags aren’t biodegradable, and are an environmental menace that’s increasingly banned. They should be recycled, but can’t be if they are covered in food residue. 

The “all the nutrients are in the skin” claims about any given food are a long standing myth. From 70's health food and diet fads. A large proportion of the dietary fiber in a lot of things is in the skin. But “nutrients” does not just mean fiber. Or fiber at all, since fiber is indigestible.

It also rests on a

I did not know that existed. Holy shit. 

I use yogurt from time to time. Is good if you don’t use too much, much like sour cream. My sister in law makes insane cheesey mash potatoes where Greek yogurt is a key ingredient.

What you don’t want to do is accidentally use vanilla yogurt in your spuds.