
Chris Pratt posted a picture of wife Katherine Schwarzenegger 

From what friends and family in the business in Europe tell me. The UK tends to pay somewhat less than much of the rest of Europe. Though not neccisarily in whole Euros/Pound/Dollars, but proportionally to local cost of living. And the industry in the UK seems to bear a little more resemblance to the US industry than

I wasn’t at a bad place. I’m in a 20 year career in the food and beverage industry.

You might want to check with One Fair Wage, various labor organizations, the many prominent lawsuits around it for that one. And hey we can throw Tom Colichio and Danny Meyer in on that one, both vocal advocates for fair pay and labor

It taste like slightly more bitter parsley. So you can just sub parsley where ever cilantro is called for.

Thing is though the soapy cilantro thing can be gotten over. Exposure and experimentation can overcome the aversion, and then the soapy flavor just kinda away. What I found is that for whatever reason fish sauce

yams literally are sweet potatoes

My Aunt Kathy is a crazy drunk who’s not invited. All my other Aunts bake. 

(Annual reminder that yams and sweet potatoes are not the same.)

#1 is a bit wrong.

For one.

You can’t actually live off

It’s totes 1337. You get gnarly scars and never sleep. 

Do some math. 16.40 at 40 hours a week is $656. $656 x 52 weeks a year. is $34k.

Did you not convert currencies? $34k in pounds is about 25k.

really actually live off that sort of wages in a big city in the US

It’s actually quite a bit more than the median pay for a head cook or titled chef in the US as well. I don’t know what Dennis was on about. $16/h is pretty good for a cook in the US, even in more expensive areas. With ongoing staff shortages the last couple of years, $18/hour is possible in wealthier (and more

Ummm. This is not a dismal amount for a chef or cook. That is rather high actually. Friend of mine worked a station for Mario God Damned Batali for years. And was paid $11.50/h. Now Batali, and the Bastianich restaurant group he worked for are somewhat legendary for low wages and screwing their employees out of pay.

That’s a valid vote. Sweet Baby Ray’s is a good condiment. If you’re squirting it on a sausage, or dipping things in it it does a great job.

I have family among those upstate Acadian Mainers.

Were are they serving lobster rolls on a sweet hot dog bun?

I feel like the on going rage for lobster rolls does it dirty.

Yeah that’s the thing with Maine and Italian Sandwiches. It’s one the rare stories like this that seems to be true. But a Maine Italian Sandwich, origin point or not, doesn’t resemble what anyone means by Italian Sandwich.

That’s typical. Most states operate on the three tier system. You can not be a retailer, producer, and wholesaler. It’s pick one.