
These things are hardly consistent across contexts. For example red flags are also a symbol of Socialist, Communist, and by extension sometimes general leftist movements. Particularly in Europe.

Maybe that’s what they were told, or saw discussed online. Even if that’s the case I think they missed what’s disturbing

The Flag Code is “advisory”, and even if it wasn’t it’d be un-enforceable on 1st amendment grounds. Similar laws with penalties and enforcement baked in have been repeatedly ruled unconstitutional. And were mostly targeted at flag burning, and intended to target Left Wing protest movements.

“The Jazz Singer” was a massive success and groundbreaking in the industry but would probably never get made today. Not because of the Blackface aspect - that could easily be removed, just change the type of entertainment done by the main character - but because it’s “too Jewish.”

It definitely edges into psuedo-science. But the popular presentation, and especially it’s use in shit like this or by Peterson bears little to no resemblance to it as an academic fields.

It’s one of those terms like “quantum” and “epigenetics” that you can just slap on bullshit and ideological claims to make them

It’s a neoliberal ideology of self-interest, individualism, personal responsibility, and political apathy.

I am 99% certain that the bulk of that subreddit is men’s rights knobs and incels role playing. The article doesn’t get the similarity by half. It doesn’t just ape the fondness for acronyms and general approach. It perfectly mirrors the ideology, from the fixation with traditional values and chastity to the “clean

Live in a major pumpkin growing region in the North East. Pumpkins are fine here. Though most of the pumpkins we grow don’t go to supermarkets and home improvement stores anyway.

They grow ornamentals here for tourist trade, otherwise we’re heavy on heirlooms and squash you actually want to eat. 

Wait so the Guys throwing an obvious novelty, stunt festival. On that’s serving chowder in a land locked state. Are going to throw shade at “regular festivals” cause they “serve up the latest sandwich trend”?

And their major funding source was the brand itself. Meaning it was a pretty much just a marketing promotion?


That’s an aweful lot of hand wringing there. For the most part no. People don’t use pumpkins for more than pie. For about the last 100 years they’ve primarily been grown as an ornamental crop. That’s only started to change the last 10 years or so, people actually eat them these days. So it kinda the opposite of your

I’ve only had it cold. You could probably warm it up, I’ve seen nog done that way. Personally hate nog, but for some reason I love coquito. At least the ones I’ve had.

It’s not traditional to cook the eggs in either nog or coquito, and they tend to taste better and end up with a better texture if you don’t. If that

I don’t think this stuff would froth up much. It’s a bit more like ice cream base than anything else I could compare it to. It’s a bit dense to foam up too much.

That is definitely too big for even the larger standard sized blender carafes. But there’s no reason it has to be blended, aside from maybe the pumpkin puree

OOO yes. I work in boozahol wholesale. Our trucks break down, some times catastrophically, on the regular. Even supposedly brand new trucks.

The boom on this goes back further than the pandemic.

I suspect it comes down to the real estate market. People approaching retirement who got priced out for that whole vacation home dream. An RV, even a trailer and vehicle counts as a second home. So it can be a tax write off. It gives you some of that same shit as

I think that’s a big part of it. No one seems to be watching. Like there are regs and safety standards for this shit. And “not adequately welded together” certainly doesn’t meet them. If GM started doing shit like that some one would go to prison.

The freaky bit is that a lot of the commercial box trucks, big rig

Cheaper is relative.

Yeah that sounds like the sort of thing that might side step some of the biggest issues. Like my folk’s frame problem. A bus or van conversion isn’t going to be stuck buying from one frame builder that can’t be assed to weld. Being a vehicle there are safety regs to be dealt with. And to the extent that something like

From what I hear the high end ones aren’t any better built. At least not with any kind of consistency.

It’s not like you pay $x you get a more reliable one. It’s that some of the more expensive ones also happen to be the more reliable ones. 

Any and everything. New used, doesn’t matter. There was always a little hinkyness with this sort of thing, my grandparents were towing around airstreams in the 60's. Things need to be lightweight, and that has an impact.

I think it’s a bit more specific than just typical cut costs to juke margins BS. And like the article points out, this ain’t new.

My parents just went through something with their 10 year old RV that finally has them replacing it. The frame suspension failed catastrophically. The camper basically collapsed on the

If you’re not good at cutting off the tops. Take the cake and put it back in the pan, or a larger pan of the same height (or the height you’re looking for) and run the knife across the top of said pan as you cut.

It also helps to have the right knife. You want a very long scallaped knife, rounded bumps rather than