
Pretty much. IIRC they were approached by the Harry Potter people, and realized they had a bunch of failed test batches that tasted god awful so that let them launch the product incredibly quickly. Like the vomit ones was like a failed attempt at smores or something, rotten egg came from an early batch of the popcorn

That depends very much on the location and how the fishery is managed. Our bay scallops here in the North East are usually nearly as large as the smallest size of sea scallop caught locally. And they can be seared or sautéed without a problem.

Something that doesn’t tend to work well with the Peruvian and Asian “bay

Honestly there’s little difference between these and regular Jelly Bellies at this point. They have so many flavors with such similar appearances, and so much wack shit that whatever you buy you have no clue if what you’re eating is going to taste like candy or bile.

Some what famously most of the Bean Boozled flavors

Hate to tell you this but that’s all staged and deliberate. The big secret with these shows is most of the items are either already bought before they start shooting. Or even borrowed or rented from prop houses. All the negotiation and searching for shit is staged as are most of the conversations.

Never worked one on

It’s worth noting that many bay scallop fisheries are quite sustainable.

A LOT of frozen seafood does. Especially frozen shellfish it’s worth checking the package to avoid it. Besides the odd taste the texture is weird and causes that whole moisture dumping thing that can straight ruin a dish.

For cheap rot gut there is probably little difference. Though having encountered stale bottles of both behind many a bar, the schnapps will be more aggressively minty.

For more traditional products, and there are higher quality versions of both even if they’re uncommonly encountered. Peppermint schnapps (like say

Sure. But “drunk in a relatively short amount of time” is not “five to ten minutes”. In particularly the blended version of the drink tends to start separating as soon as the ice cream begins to melt, which is pretty much immediately.

Unless you are sitting at the bar any drink you order is more than likely to sit for

Actual loss leaders are fairly rare in restaurants. Margins are tight enough overall that actually losing money on an item can make it impossible to make an overall profit. Sometimes you see it with alcohol, but not that often.

and installing the heatsink to the SSD

You would be surprised how removing a dish that’s garnered this kind of attention, or raising it’s price, can impact a restaurant’s reputation. A $2 price difference on something can cause reviews to shift from glowing to negative, and when a lot of the coverage a place has gotten is bound up in a single menu item.

Yeah the trick with this sort of PR stunt, throw truffles and caviar at it dish is you charge an absurd amount for it. Enough to actively prevent most people from ordering it. The aim is to garner attention an headlines over the extravagance and high price, without having to churn out a ton of this shit.


There’s a density issue going on where low density alcohol does not want to be suspended in much denser *cream*. It’s less of an issue with milk. Many liqueurs are fairly acidic.

It’s an orange liqueur very similar to triple sec, gran marnier, and cointreau.

Counterpoint. Don’t. These are gross, it’s just not a drink that works particularly well. The foam and speration problems have to with how liquor and cream don’t really get a long and dairy doesn’t like to be blended or shaken. These are not thing that like to be mixed, or treated in this way.

In which case it’s probably because it’s the cheapest quality commodity rot gut imaginable. Most FMBs have ungodly amounts of sugar too.

Technically a Radler is also lemon flavored. And the drink you’re mixing it with is fizzy lemonade. Which is more lemon soda made with actual juice.

The seltzers are mostly made from a base of cane sugar. It’s just kind of a legal quirk that they fall under the flavored malt beverage umbrella and so can be sold with the beer instead of with the liquor.

That’s funny, cause not all Meathead’s rubs contain sugar. The ones that do definitely don’t operate on a more is good principal. His bark article barely mentions sugar, his rub article does but specifies it’s not necessary. And the rest of what I said is mentioned elsewhere on Amazing Ribs from the stall articles to

Oh they’re decent smokers for the handful of things they’re good at. And I got a lot of use out of mine.