
That’s all likely available. I wouldn’t necessarily take Vice’s photo styling as indicative. Nor would I take Vice’s food writing as all that good. They sort of thrived of trolly trend pieces.

Most of the good places in NYC do a variation of “market style” service. Owing to early influence from Hill Country, which was

Pizza snobs haven’t spent a disordinate amount of time deliberately leaving Black folks out of the story, pushing neo-confederate myths about about happy slaves, being weirdly pissed about Michael Witty not mentioning them enough, and so forth.

And peek at the marketing. BBQ stuff is all boomer dad shit about

Since before Franklin Barbeque existed.

but telepathy has not been explored

I think you misread it. The attack at the beginning seems to be a call back to the mind controlling from the avengers. Where as the enchantment later seems to be something different.

But I could be misreading that.

Either way Loki spends a lot of time with that whole duplicate casting thing we got a speech on

It’s never clarified in the films. And the films are a little non-specific about his origins. Never stating why he’s where Odin finds him.

Oh and I forgot. She also tells him something along the lines of if anyone is anyone you’re me. After he refers to her as “me” unchallenged.

Well they’re outside if time. So they can clearly view the whole sacred time line up to current continuity at any time they like. We see them do that with Our Loki.

That’s exactly my point. Assuming being different is a normal thing for Loki, Loki being different doesn’t need to be the result of some vastly different time line mysteriously hanging around. The differences could be the point that triggered the variance, or a response to it, or within the bounds of what doesn’t

I think that’s a bit misreading the shapeshifter end.

And yet the name is Laufeydottir. A patronymic that literally means daughter of Laufey.

An enchanted husky shopper!

I wasn’t sure if he was summoning knives or trying to teleport. Loki definitely teleports with the tesseract, though I guess that could be the tesseract. Otherwise in the MCU it’s not totally clear, he certainly gets around mysteriously. And other characters even comment on it.

It’s definitely one of his main things

(he and Sylvie/Loki say exactly the same line: “You really do love to hear yourself talk”)...

There’s a very big hang up with that line of thought though.

And it’s that it’s Loki.

He’s a shape shifter. We just spent a decade watching this guy change shape and talk about being other things.

His “power set” is Asgardian sorcery. He brags about his skills in magic. It’s stated at one point that Freyja taught

There aren’t even any visible spices or flavorings on those.

Laufeyson is one of Loki’s names though. Laufey being his father, king of the frost Giants (though his mother in the myths).

wanted to follow her but possibly to try to stop her.”

The funny thing is the current mail trucks probably can’t handle the range of that long rural route. Maybe when new. But that’s pretty much the edge of their on paper maximum.

163 years ago actually.