
Apparently she was a massive, massive alcoholic. And she was taking huge doses of colloidal silver and other sketchy supplements to warn off the rona. 

It probably comes down to payment processing. There’s little risk from known, western adult performers with solid custodian of records.

But with anything that is undeniably pornography you run into a problem with payment processing. In part due to stigma, in part to to a large amount of charge backs and frequent

He looks exactly like my crack smoking uncle in 1994. Right before he went to prison for arson (the first time).

Oh no its real. And it NEEDS you to know the eggs are only $1.99

The tartness is just tart.

I’ve certainly seen it listed both ways on cocktail menus. Hell I’ve listed it both ways on menus.

Shrub has a bunch of meanings though. The European usage refers to liqueur like preps from soaking fruit (usually citrus) in alcohol (usually rum) and sugar . And occasionally non-alcholic syrup versions of the same.

The American sense is the vinegar and fruit syrup, meant to be produced in a similar way.

In either

Different acids taste different through, they don’t just taste tart. The phosphoric acid in sodas is covered up by a lot so I couldn’t even tell you what it tastes like on it’s own.

But citric acid and the acetic acid in vinegar are pretty easy to distinguish. Like sour patch kids are covered in citric acid, salt and

See that makes sense there. Kombucha is basically weak vinegar made from sweetened tea. 

I dunno if ignoring them would even work. Look at the whole influencer thing, who’s legitimately paying attention to those people or even aware that they exist. They all seem to pushing shit to a field of bots, other “influencers” and people who forgot they clicked the follow button.

That’s about the gist of it.

Plus a banquette is just bulkier in most cases than a chair. Your eating up a hell of a lot of floor space by virtue of building those in. Even more so for booths. 

The prompt is a little confusing, I thought they were referring to places putting in banquettes in response to covid.

This is kinda a debate that’s over. Banquettes, and even more so booths, don’t save space. Just seem like they do.

“The idea that unused space is wasted space is an idea that should DIAF in the restaurant trade.”

Oh I see it at Italian places, I just don’t *expect* to see it Italian places. Even old school, cheap, red sauce places (what I’m guessing you mean by “New Jersey Italian) view it as non-traditional mac and cheese for grown ups.

Yeah it’s not difficult. And importantly the egg (or at least the yolk) is often added after you remove the pasta from the heat. To be cooked by the residual heat.

That makes it practically impossible to scramble it. Small amounts of cream can be used to help insulate things as well, as will the starch in the pasta

You can just park that recipe in the fridge for a couple days to ferment. The best dough recipes I’ve run into tend to offer the 2 options. As did the dough at the very good pizza and Italian place I worked at for a couple of years.

If there was a problem the dough could be raised and proofed at room temp for

It’s a post-WWII invention and came into being because

Something like that doesn’t make sense to pre-prep because it’s very hard to gauge how much you’ll need. And if you are paying through the nose having it cooked ala minute is a kinda part of the pitch.

I have been to or known people who worked at very high end restaurants where to order risotto was the default, but