
They won’t. They’ll get sweet, sweet tax deductions on the real estate losses. Redevelop the properties as luxury housing, and sell the units as investment properties to Russian Oligarchs who will monetize them via Airbnb.

Router and many modems, all those smart home devices, among other things. Barring cable boxes the bulk of devices involved with media consumption have been trending this way for decades. Including game consoles where most of them have been advertised with a vertical orientation for a long while. Smaller devices tend

Are you new? Or did you just miss the last forever where exclusives have been a major marketing factor for consoles and both these companies have regularly bought devs and publishers? Without some “arms race” to ruin everything.

Zenimax isn’t a publisher. They’re a holding company started by Bethesda ownership about 20 years ago to contain Bethesda and it’s IP. Bethesda IS Zenimax, but Bethesda is the publisher. Basically the way it works is Zenimax owns Bethesda and the other entities along with all their IP. Including any patents. Zenimax

Consolidation at this level is not a great thing generally, and is the kind of consolidation people should be worried about. But it’s very much big publisher bought out by even bigger publisher.

I wouldn't really consider Bethesda/Zenimax independent by any stretch of the word. They're closely or privately held, but they own at least 8 other entities and have spent a long time consolidating IP and buying up smaller studios. It's a billion dollar company that seemed to mostly be owned by financial companies. 

They're also getting the idTech engine. Which is known for running real well on old or weal hardware, has frequently been real friendly with AMD hardware, and has been on of the torch bearers for Vulcan/Mantle which is closely related to the tech in MS's DX12. 

Yeah basically but not technically in NE. Farms here are small plot and rotate heavy. Nearly every one has some heirloom with no name that grandpa planted in the 20s. 

That texture tends to go with moisture content, wetter sqaushes are less smooth. But the really stringy ones tend to be C. pepo, spaghetti squash is that species which should give you some indication. Best bet is to check the species on whatever you plan to grow. C. moschata are those prime eating pumpkins, with the

That should read bake them for a couple hours. 

Issues with baking are usually down to moisture content. You want to make them relatively low for a good couple of hours to drive that off. Kabocha is a bitter redder than many varieties. I’d try to find Hubbard. It’s a relatively small squash with very good flavor with more pumpkiny color. Broadly available.

I know Libby uses Dickinson, and the growers collective they’re associated with developed it in the 40's I think. Some of them might use Hubbard. But Hubbard’s are a sort of medium sized UFO shaped blue pumpkin that’s a bit hard to process and harvest by machine. Probably one of my favorite eating pumpkins though.

Also I’ve read the canned pumpkin for baking is actually Hubbard squash.”

Also I’ve read the canned pumpkin for baking is actually Hubbard squash.”

The pumpkins you’re thinking of, the ones without much flavor, tastes like acorn squash. Because they’re the same species (C. pepo). Heirloom eatin pumpkins are C moschata, same species as butternut squash. And have a hell of a lot more flavor than acorn squash. It’s that classic pumpkin flavor like a pumpkin pie too.

The chef behind this beauty, Danielle Alvarez, pulled this recipe out of thin air for a friend”

Just never had to change their name. And there wouldn’t have been a lawsuit if Mayo was regulated. They would have been fined into oblivion.

Pan Am collapsed in 1991. This is pricey retro shit for boomers. Like reproduction 50's Cake Machines. 

‘Miracle Whip’ is just branding for a specific type of mayo.

The whole bacon on the peanut butter and banana sandwich thing seems to have come out conflating two sandwiches Elvis was into. Fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches which were apparently a childhood favorite. And this monstrosity: