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    Oh the humanity! My weekend is now ruined.

    Looks more like William from Nioh.

    I don’t understand it. Very competitive multiplayer, limited single player, brutal economy which requires lots of grinding, and the type of game play which attracts the most insufferable demographic of gamers, are the reasons why I refuse to try this game. Fighting network issues is just the cherry on top.

    Does anyone know how much money he’s made playing Street Fighter? Redbull.com indicated that he’s made around 171K.

    Why Nintendo refuses to publish compilations of NES, SNES, N64 and GameCube games is beyond me. They would print money and make their consoles great again.

    $175.00 in gift cards to restaurants in exchange for a PS4 you’re not using actually seems to be a really good deal. $50.00 cash would not be worth it. Whether you were faced with this problem or not, I think you made a good deal!

    Is this game worth playing? I haven’t seen a review of it, but I’ve seen lots of articles, especially the one where one guy spent over a $1,000.

    Thanks. I really wish Anime Strike was the main discussion. I liked the Scum’s Wish manga that I read, and I’m really interested in watching the Anime, but it seems that I’d just be wasting money on Anime Strike since they’re just isn’t enough additional content that I can’t find on Amazon Prime, Netflix and

    I think they forget how bad Gamestop was just a few years ago. There are a lot of stores in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, and of the few that I frequent, only one is really annoying. The others are fairly helpful.

    Is Anime Strike worth the extra $5.00/month? I already have Crunchyroll, and unless I’m missing something, Anime Strike really didn’t seem to have much content.

    If you do your research, then buying used games at Gamestop can be worthwhile and cheaper than other retailers, even eBay. Buying brand new games or recently released games at Gamestop is never a good idea because you can find better deals elsewhere. For a last gen gamer, Gamestop is a gold mine. Now is the time to

    Can you please post less about Overwatch and more about other games, especially new games coming out or recently released?

    You should take a break from Overwatch. I love the Resident Evil 7 coverage. Cover more new games. Where’s the NIOH coverage?

    They still had a profit of 104.9M last year which is down from 105.6M from the year before. Why is that “bad”? Are investors always expecting profits to soar each year. They still made a lot of money.

    I found that I got turned around a lot more in my chair with this game than with any of the other VR games. I also think you’re right that it would have been a lot more difficult for them to program the motion controls into this game.

    The VR version uses the same controller. The motion sticks are not utilized.

    Sword to Plowshares: Exile target creature and creatures’s controller gains live equal to creature’s toughness.

    If they pirate because they cannot afford the game, then how can they afford a PC with the specs to play the game?

    Yet another reason why we can’t have nice things. The lowest common denominators always behaving badly.

    Yeah, I don’t understand the outrage. The reason Uber and Lyft exist is because they are solving problems for customers that the taxi industry has ignored and refused to solve. That’s what innovation does. It solves problems and does worthwhile things that people need. If you don’t do what people need, then you