
I mean, I guess it’s better that he be upfront about it, but...

I always appreciate the opportunity to use this meme. 

You respect her enough to care when she’s wrong, which is all any commentator can ask for.

Youre quite delusional. Perhaps you should read my comment and comprehend it before you reply. My point wasn’t playing by the rules or playing fair. My points was in regards to her “Character” im not the one dictating how to play the game ... the Queen’s themselves are the ones dictating it as seen on the show... When

As a History teacher, I’m kinda loving this.

I don’t know much about Cardi B, but in spite of the language she expressed her opinion, it was obviously an educated opinion.

You’re not angry at a guy who lies to the public about his knowledge of the accusations against Singer, prior to the movie? I bet every single person comenting on this board had heard rumors about Singer and his sex parties with underage boys before and a guy working in Hollywood claims total ignorance and you

So I guess we’re entering a “Manila was robbed” season. I’m not sure there’s a reason to watch the rest of AS4. I like Monét and Monique but I don’t think any of them deserves (or has a real chance) to win, Latrice is so underwhelming this season, I don’t want Naomi to win after sending Manila home (she doesn’t

She deserves the grief for doing the complete opposite of what she preached. All through out the season and When she was at the bottom she insists and the majority of the girls say they want to eliminate fairly yet the moment they are in power she did exactly the opposite. You can either play fair or strategic...

There’s a very, very good reason why up until this point queens have voted purely based on record (or in the case of Rolaskatox in AS2, quietly voted strategically in an alliance)... Because they were all smart enough to know that the moment you cut down an undeserving queen, their fans will hound you to the ends of

Her’s the thing though: they already got a warning with Grease. Vanessa Hudgens’s father died the day of the performance. She decided to perform, but there was a lot of question of whether or not that would happen. They should have known that things happen.

I know lots of people love this show, and lots of other people hate it for the same reason I can’t connect with it (lots of Gen Xers trying to be artists don’t get enough help from their family to not have a day job while pursuing their quixotic dreams) but I just wanted to point out that this whole thing failed not

So, Manila’s menstrual pad gown was in bad taste but Trinity’s Buffalo Bill style old lady suit (complete with sagging breasts) was fine? 

anything is an upward move after Trank.

So his future career is a big shrouded mystery where the answer will ultimately be sort of disappointing?  Weird.

Yeah, it’s called “collegiality”.

Well, you know what they say - we’ll know that feminism succeeded in part not when only good, talented women reach power, but when totally mediocre and bad ones do too (just like with men).

I’ve been a Manila stan since S3 so I probably can’t be objective, but this. bitch. is. brilliant. The minute she did that double take I knew she had won (with Monet), which is probably the fastest I’ve ever seen anyone dominate a challenge. She is such a professional and even if she doesn’t make it all the way, I am

“Jump to It” wasn’t a B-Side. It was a legit Top 40 hit back in the day, and her most successful single between 1976-1985.