::rolls eyes::
::rolls eyes::
That’s the dumbest hot take... I now understand the need for reading comprehension in English Classes.
I actually really loved The Lobster—so bizarre. I watched it both sober AND stoned. (It didn’t matter the state of mind, it was interesting and awkward and fun in either state of mind.)
That is FUCKING ugly. So that 3 mil is just for the actual apartment... because its gonna need another $1 mil (easily—due to NYC construction costs) to bring it up to date for a what a $3 mil apart in BKLYN “should” be. The kitchen & bathrooms are all gut jobs, nothing stays (except maybe the stove/oven... red knobs =…
Rumor has it you’ll only have to wait til summer ‘19. (Which is entirely too, too long of a wait.)
I think that was a low-cost/low-risk upfront, BUT long-term payoff for the non-coastal american demographic the executives probably latched onto... bc jesus christ, someone is watching (and re-watching) and DVRing those movies enough that they legit warranted their own channel. But yes, sometimes the original content…
Agreed... I’m like, does that come in my size?
Yeah, I felt terribly uncomfortable watching this once it became Muslims=BAD... Like, shit, even in America we’ve moved on to Mexicans and Latinx(es) as baddies*.
Actually, you’re a blog that knows how to further propogate sexist, dumb female catfights. But appreciate your snarky moxxy.
Cardi B just sounds like a real piece of shit. Sorry, she just does.
Sorta like this site... reposting photos of a female celebrity and her boyfriend’s face in her ass? Peddling the same shit but then trying to take the high road and act feminist.
You wins the internet! YAY!
I know... at first I thought I read maybe the wrong A-State. So apparently Arizona likes to fuck, alot! (and clearly Pro-Life.)
ALSO... I love how your narrative conveniently forgets to mention THANDIE NEWTON’s win. WOW, this article was pure trash and emblematic of the current influx of everyone having an opinion they belive worthy of a dissertation.
Becky... take a seat. You’re pettiness is overflowing. Atlanta walked away with two big wins last year, plus scored a few this year, too... it’s hardly the shut-out other “critical darlings” have endured in the past.
Pines is no. 2 for me (Long Live the Adonis that is Evans) but I am def gonna slog through that shit on Netflix for the bush & peen scenes. #TooGayNotTo
Hard pass.
Seriously?! ...You literally roll out the oldest homophobic trope early in the day (yesterday) but have the nerve to get offended when I call you out on it? ... Bye, Felicia.
Now that’s homophobic... to an extent. ::Waves hand:: Hi, Homo here ,too.