
FUCK YOU. And your self-righteous indignation. These scumbags actively sell their votes and souls to the NRA so guns are more easily accessible. THIS IS KARMA... this is what happens when you spend your political career fighting for an industry that results in 6-yr old children being murdered in cold blood in their

WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SNIFF THIS MORNING? This is a wondrous occasion—FINALLY, some consequences for the scumbags who sell their souls and votes to the NRA (to have more guns easily accessible) get SHOT by said guns.... FUCKING KARMA. Kathy Griffin and celebrities had nothing to do with this... nor did they condone

“...at some point...”

I just spit out my coffee... you win the internets today!


Damn... you can really tell the age of some of these dumbasses attempting to drag Katy Perry, millennial much? Taylor Swift was the instigator who began the fight/feud/war and perpetuated it for sales (while trying to co-op feminsim, mind you). Swift is that quintessential millennial who thinks everything is owed to

Yo... tell me how Colin Farrell got top billing over Nicole Kidman... AN ACTUAL OSCAR WINNER.

I have fully embraced my basic white bitch status and have this song on repeat.... I hope its realized officially as a single because radio need to play this. (Also, I just really despise the fake-ass feminism of Tay-Swift.)

I’m dead... thanks for killing me by laughter.

Yeah... here’s a hint... stop reading CNN. I implemented a NO-CNN rule and I’ve found my news digestion to be 95% less likely to trigger my anger.

BEACUSE SHE FUCKING SAYS SHE HAS SWAY WITH MR. CHEETO. So, in conclusion, please shut the fuck up and take a seat with that dumbass opinion.

Am I the only one who though the finale sucked? Everybody is bandying on about the sisterhood, blah blah blah... but in the book the sisterhood was MUCH MUCH MUCH more emphasized and established, pushing aside all the bitter and petty in-fighting between the women.

Fuck all those educated white women... I’m sick of them crying. You see how white straight men mobile and get together to fuck up the world??? Yeah, women... too busy in-fighting. (Even about fucking feminism...)

She was legit the only reason I watched 3 season of this horrid show. She made everything delicious.

I deleted CNN apps from my iOS devices, and I literally refuse to watch their channel or videos (embedded) or read any articles online from them. They’re not acting as journalists and they propagate UNnecessary articles about Trump to garner clicks. They’re literally a bigger joke than Fox News at this point.

God... your articles suck. I wish I had something wittier or more insightful... but quite frankly your articles just suck. You’re like the angry white gay man people abhor having to sit next to at brunch.

BREAKING NEWS: Unfunny man makes unfunny tweet.

This comment board is just a bunch of nasty-ass bitches ripping into famous women. Keep perpetuating the cycle... until we end up with Ann Coulter as the first female president.

Yup... ya’ll bitching and acting like stuck up cunts for no reason... because a chick wrote a song in response to a hero of her’s losing the election we all should mock and criticize people for finally waking the fuck up and wanting to continue waking others. I like that there is more depth to the song... that I can

Being sick of people and complaining about their usage of WOKE is real inclusive. You can’t sound like a douche but then claim to be doormat. So, stop acting so but hurt. You’re allowed to have an opinion, but you better back it up. Otherwise you’re just like a Trump supporter... which is basically a very vocal