
No worries. It’s hard to gauge text-based communication.

There are ways of estimating the sizes of maps in games using real world measurements, though. It’s not as if these are arbitrary calculations. I’m not theorizing about the map, I’m using calculations others have made to roughly guess if this world is big enough to include the new kingdom and the old in some way or

You win. Congratulations.

I knew that already.

I knew most of that, except for the english translation part.

What I was mentioning were estimations based on real world measurements. Obviously, it doesn’t fit one to one. In that case, neither of us are right with regards to the size of the map.

I guess it could, but it would be strange for the first two mentions to mean the games with “skyward” and “time” in the title, then make a vague mention of “twilight” and really mean the Dark World from A Link to the Past.

Skyward Sword’s ocean could be the one mentioned, as could Majora’s Mask. And both of those games

I think it’s a convergence of the two timelines that split from when Link defeats Ganon in Ocarina of Time. During Link’s knighting in Breath of the Wild, Zelda states, “Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight…” This clearly puts the game in a timeline where those games took

Malibu D.Va!

I agree. I’ve played my 3DS sparsely over the past two years. It’s pretty much just a Pokémon machine for me. Even then, I’m finding it really difficult to finish Ultra Moon, now that I finally got myself a Switch last month. This is coming from someone who has played at least one version of every Pokémon generation an

I mean, fandom comes from fan, which comes from fanatic. So, yeah...that’s exactly what fandom is. You just have to remember that the average gamer probably isn’t a fan, despite it being common nomenclature to describe someone who simply enjoys something. The original term was meant to describe someone with excessive

I don’t give a damn what they say. I didn’t hear anyone say “ness” or “sness” until I was in college at 23 years old. It was one guy in our intro game development course, and everyone else cringed each time he said it. I’m 31, and I still hear people say “N.E.S.”, “Nintendo”, “Super N.E.S.”, and “Super Nintendo” more

I can’t have a debate with you, if you aren’t willing to listen. I’m a white man. I’ve held many of the same views that you mentioned. None of the data matches up with those views. White people are not, in any sense of the word, a minority group. As a group, white folks still hold more power than any other ethnic

Non-hispanic white folks still make up 62% of the population, and that’s not going to drop drastically anytime soon. When white folks do become a racial minority, people who actually understand majority/minority socio-political dynamics will likely be on the side of not oppressing white folks. It’s the people who

What’s sad is that this hypocrite will probably never have the epiphany that black folks don’t deserve to get shot for petty crimes, as she cries about getting punched for grabbing a protest sign.

Saying Happy Holidays is objectively more inclusive, and it doesn’t mean that people who say Merry Christmas aren’t inclusive people. It literally just means that Happy Holidays covers more territory. Say Merry Christmas all you want, but when I say Happy Holidays back, don’t get all pissy. This is a stupid argument

People have been doing similar things since humans became smart to enough to realize that it can be found humorous and/or impressive, depending on whether you actually can succeed in what you set out to do.

I finally bought a Switch a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been really digging into Breath of the Wild. I’ll probably keep on doing that. After suffering through depression that had caused my love for video games to drop significantly, it’s nice to feel this kind of excitement for a game again. For the first time in seven

When you say “crying sexism”, I take it to mean that you think that she’s calling him a sexist, and to you a sexist can only be the most extreme degree of transgression associated with sex-based discrimination. To me, she’s pointing out that his tweet to her was dismissing her knowledge and experience on the subject

My biggest problem with this is the responses that say she deserved to lose her job for making the comments that she made. What I read from her about this incident didn’t lead me to believe that what she said was worth getting fired over, but so many people think the opposite. That’s worrying, and it reminds me of an

I thought Adam Orth left Microsoft of his own choosing. Either way, it’s wrong for an angry mob to get someone fired over something minor like what these two people did. If anything, it makes me more certain that too many gamers are entitled brats, regardless of their age.

However, in this specific situation, we’re