
This site posts dozens of things that don’t directly have to do with video games all the time. If you absolutely must have a connection, it’s likely her use of various scifi references in the video. Many of the references she makes are from movies that most of us are fans of. Good enough?

So badass!

Jonathan, you’re a horrible human being.

I’ll have to give them a try!

Read this article earlier today. It’s a great piece. It actually made me want to play Symphony of the Night, and I’ve never played a Castlevania.

As much beef as I have with Ubisoft’s handling of women in this series, each one has had a pretty awesome story. Each story is connected through the modern-day sequences. That’s pretty much what this series is about. It’s simple gameplay just good enough to drive the story.

It’s had some pretty cruddy gameplay in

That’s totally Bill Trinen.

Damn... GTX 780 drops down to 30fps in rainy conditions. I’m running one of those with 8GB RAM and an i7 4770K. Good thing my MB can handle more, because I might need it for games like this one.

I can’t even beat Mega Man X.


What are you talking about? That is EXACTLY how soccer works!

12? Ew.

I didn’t like that the modders only got 25% of the revenue, but the idea is solid. Modders should be allowed to monetize their work, with permission of the game’s original creators.

That’s bullshit. Anyone who wants to monetize their work should be allowed to with the permission of the creator of the original creators of the game.

Wow... Stephan A. Smith is an asshole.

If you mean the visuals, I agree. If you mean the mechanics, absolutely not.

The gameplay is fun as hell, but Edward Kenway is a douchebag. Not that I didn’t enjoy who he became as the story went on. It’s what it took for him to get there that makes me say he’s a douchebag. What he did to his wife alone should make you think he’s a jerk.

If you’re wearing a skin-tight suit, you’re going to have a bulge, especially if you’re wearing a cup.

Makes me want to work on something like this.

I’m sure he’ll do wonderfully. I also hope he comes back for Mallrats 2!