Nicholas Coyour

No, I've had a very sorta of like/hate relationship with this series. The combat mechanics are absolutely boring compared to the likes of Arkham games or even Sleeping Dogs which is basically a rip off Arkham. That is a fun melee combat system. AC has things sure, other things you can do, but in the end the other

The Avengers are kinda B-List honestly. Everyone knows the X-Men are the A-listers. These are more like C-list if anything, either way, I'm still excited that Netflix got the deal, Netflix is the best way to watch TV, at your own pace.

I might pick it up for the PS4 when it launches next week since there isn't much else to get. But I know they did not revamp the combat system any, it's been the same for all 5+ games so far. Same tired mechanics. Stand around, wait for attack, counter, then use hidden blade to go on a combo murder streak. Rinse and

They can't make a modern day one cause they'd have to rewrite the entire engine. You know, fix how crappy and boring it is. Seriously, AC series has some of the most boring dated combat in any third person game. he only thing it does well is free running. Give me Arkham combat over AC combat any day. Soooo much

I agree with you, I pretty much come on Kotaku now as an afterthought. I go to IGN for most of my news now. They are not so opinionated over there. Kotaku almost tries to create news and use articles to give you your opinion before even making one for yourself.

That's what I thought. One plus is that I didn't know it was coming to the next gen systems. I thought it was just current gen. But yeah, the pricing is all confusing.

Hmmm, I thought, or was under the impression, both the Ground Zeroes game and Phantom Pain were just two parts on one disc. Guess I was wrong. I'm assuming this will be a shorter game and then they will release Phantom Pain and that will be a full retail price of $59.99?

I could see listening to your own music while playing a sport game, cause those are boring and you gotta do something to liven it up. Any other kinda game with any kind of mood or story though, I don't see it happening. And if you do, you're some kind of weird.

Again, which you are the only person who does that. ;) I got my computer hooked up to my TV anyway, so moot point to me.

Who uses a CD player anymore, honestly? Maybe to rip your songs off it then that's it. Who are you anyway? Complaining about something that is completely irrelevant to you as you don't even own a PS3 and presumably won't get a PS4 with your attitude. Are you one of those people who just likes to argue for the sake of

You are right, the original Playstation doesn't have that feature. Good thing the PS3 does though, so you don't have to be such a whiny baby about everything. They probably didn't include it in the PS4 cause they realized you were the only one that used that feature on the PS3 and they really didn't feel it was cost

Cool story bro

Do you?

Nice collection, I already finished Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen but it'll be nice to have permanently in my collection. I have yet to get my Vita but Soul Sacrifice was one of the games I was going to get for it. So far I only need to buy a Vita, I've been downloading all the free games for it to have ready when I get

Good for Nintendo, love the morals they hold for a clean family experience.

I'm all for a shorter gaming experience if it is well written and worth it. Definitely better end well. Here's the kicker though, If it's only going to be about 5-6 hours long then I also expect the price to be more like $20-30 max. There just isn't value in a game that only lasts 5-6hours and costs $60. Mostly they

I'm just waiting for that crazy person to shoot these people in the head for scaring them into thinking the zombie apocalypse is really happening. It's going to happen eventually, there will be a promotional stunt gone wrong.

On the plus side, he can probably get any doctor to take it out of his arm ;)

Better question is why would you want to listen to your music while gaming in the first place? If I was playing a horror game and some peppy pop tune came on it would take me out of the game. To each their own, I don't think that many people actually listen to their own music while gaming.

I can't figure out if you're an idiot or if you just misunderstood? You have both a PS4 and PS3. If you want to use the media server, you use the PS3, if you want to play a PS4 game, you obviously play the PS4. It's not rocket science or brain surgery...maybe to you it is.