Suikoden II and pretty much all of them are some of the greatest RPG's, but Xeongears is arguably the greatest RPG ever made.
Suikoden II and pretty much all of them are some of the greatest RPG's, but Xeongears is arguably the greatest RPG ever made.
Awesome, thanks for sharing. Sorry about the bad run you had, glad you found someone though. My wife and I couldn't be more opposite but somehow we work, so the old saying "opposites attract" definitely rings true for me.
No worries, I totally understand if you had a bad experience, I had several actually. Maybe not horror stories but definitely bad online dating experiences before I finally did meet my wife, which obviously was a good one :) I guess I was just telling you my experience so as to say don't write it off, but be cautious.…
I know how you feel. It just isn't right.
I also met my wife online through a dating site, been married 6 years now like the other guy said. I know there are horror stories but there are successes too. I think the successes tend to outweigh the horror stories, you just don't hear about them
I so agree with you. Superman does not kill, period. He always finds another way. I don't like this trend of taking this iconic hero and all he stands for an humanizing him. He is a hero, an ideal, the culmination of all the moral ideals of human kind, something to strive towards. Tarnishing him like this is a shame.…
Here's the thing, you are taking this all too seriously. I was joking around from the start. Your comment however, was serious as shown by the passion in which you wrote it. So explain yourself to me? If you're truly believe what you wrote to me, how are you not a jaded gamer that believes in conspiracy theories? Sony…
This is quite noticably different. Much more crisp and textures are way better. Not sure why you're knocking it?
Because it's PS4, it's no different than why does a person buy a new phone or tablet when the one they have works fine? Because you want to be the first to get it and experience it. Yeah, it takes awhile for games to come out on it, but you have it first. You must have never bought a console on launch day before.
Must be hard to be you, can't ever just enjoy anything, always a conspiracy going on, no one to trust. What a miserable life you must lead, just sitting around waiting for the worst to happen.
This country is so hyper-sensitive, they seem to look for things to be racist or whatever. I had to look over the picture a couple times to even get what was maybe even racist about it. Meaning other people need to get over themselves.
Chill out bro. Sony's been around for awhile, and going into this next console and leaving this one, they have been doing nothin but giving the consumers what they want. They aren't going anywhere, they aren't going to have this big downfall, you're just incredibly jaded and disgruntled it would seem. Probably an Xbox…
No worries mate, I got the gentle prod, but thought I'd clarify anyway so i didn't come off like a rich douche.
Dude, calm down, I'm just messing around. Sony obviously isn't perfect....or are they?! Answer...YES
;) it's all good fun
I'm just messing around, I love Sony, sorry you had a bad experience with them on the PS3 but you are kind of an isolated incident. I mean the 360 is notoriously bad for failing. Anyway, do whatever you want, I for one will be there at launch day. My launch PS3 lasted me for about 4 or 5 years before it crapped out,…
You must be one of those Xbox people I hear about ;)
What is this nonsense you are talking about? Sony is perfect. PS4! PS4! PS4! PS4!
Still torn about this kid, I feel he will be an example to others to show more respect online and watch or think about what you say to others. His comment had no place, whether a joke or not. I think he deserves what he got, and maybe shouldn't go to prison for years, but he should be investigated and if released I…
Bought the PSN/PS+ combo from best buy tonight. I had to pull up the website on my phone but they honored the price in store. I'll be saving it until November when the PS4 comes out so I can get a few months of PS+ for it and see how the online works. Can't wait, thanks for the deal as usual!