Nicholas Coyour

I think you should get rid of the sport game and put Valkyria Chronicles, that is one of the greatest PS3 ever in gameplay and story. A lot of people forget about it, It's one of the few PS3 games I have kept because it is so unique and so replayable. Also, I would argue to keep Uncharted on this list, either 2 or 3,

Heavy Rain was an awesome game, I have no idea what you're talking about. It is one of the best PS3 games and well deserves a spot on this list.

Gotta point out, unless I am missing something those bundles don't look like deals at all. They just say $10 off a year os PS Plus. Meaning that you are only getting the game extra and playing an additional $40. Unless it is just poorly worded and they are saying you are getting the PS Plus for $40 instead $50?

Microsoft: we just don't know what we do anymore...

I wonder if every game will launch like SimCity with this platform?

Well to each their own, I still like the style. Gameplay is another story, I think I'm growing out of the JRPG, but this one looks interesting to me, I look forward to hearing more about it, as well as Lightning Returns. I think they are making the combat a little less menu based, which I welcome.

It looks pretty polished to me, graphics are clearly better than Lightning Returns which already has stunning graphics.

I think you miss the point. Even if steam goes under and shuts off their servers, as long as you have the game installed on your computer I believe you can still play it, I could be wrong though. But as of today, if everything is working you can play games offline and enjoy them for years to come. Xbox One is way more

It was just a comparison to illustrate how all you nubs are blinded by how terrible the graphics were. Quit trying to defend it is all I'm saying, they were bad, hopefully they get better, but they were bad for PS4 standards.

I am a fanboy, I loved 1 and 2, but I'm not a blind idiot either. How these people are defending it is beyond me. It is by far the worst looking PS4 game I have seen yet. Lets hope they polish it up, I hear it is very early in development.

I totally agree with you, I thought it was a PSP or maybe a PS Vita game based on the graphic quality alone, when they said it was for PS4 I was like huh? Anyone who can't see the terrible textures and the jagged edgies is fooling themselves. It doesn't need to be realistic but it sure doesn't look like it's on the

I actually thought it reminded me of Darksiders by the screenshots.

I read in another article somewhere that it will just be like it is now. They won't limit what you can do with the disc but they leave it to the publishers to create online passes or whatnot should they want to implement that business model. It's very different from Xbox One. Don't get your panties in a twist, they

Yeah, I'm not sure about that but maybe it will incorporate stuff, this game kinda seemed like a dud to me though. While world building games can be cool, most people won't spend any time on them to make anything real significant. I'd rather buy a game already done than make my own. We'll see though. See how creative

Well that's it then, we just want different things. I don't like opinions shoved down my throat, so I go to IGN first, come here for anything they might have missed. I disagree about your views of IGN, but to each their own. At least we can be civil about it hear and that's all I want in the end.

I highly disagree that they encourage people to take different views on Kotaku. I don't feel that at all on Kotaku, i feel like Kotaku is a festering place of hate and vulgarity. I feel like IGN actually is a slightly less offensive community and often have much more engaging conversations on there than here. Here I

I actually sold my Wii because I realized it had been sitting there for over 6 months and there just weren't any good games on it. I hung in there till Mario Galaxy 2 came out but that was my last Wii game, maybe Monster Hunter Tri, I can't remember. Either way, it came down to it was never played. Until Zelda starts

I need to go get another copy of Mirror's Edge again, been awhile since I played it, awesome game. Can't wait for another.

I don't think you're gonna get that from smartglass, you won't be playing games on it I don't think. You'll only get that from the Wii U and maybe the PS$ with the combo of the Vita.

Smartglass seems like a stupid feature to put into games. The way they showed it off was like you would have to stop in the middle of your game to pull out your phone or tablet to access features in the game. In particular with Dead RIsing 3, you had to pull out smartglass to call in an airstrike. I don't want to pull