Nicholas Coyour

RE Revelations for $12 off? Yes please, already bought it. If I play it fast enough and resell it I might even make money on it.

Don't you know that all women characters that have large boobs are designed by 14 year old boys? I thought everyone knew that. Kotaku sure knows it. They know everything....

I like this guys art, including Dragon's Crown, people just need to pull the stick out of their butt.

I think they failed by announcing last. I don't think there is anything they can do better than PS4 has already set out to do. And we all know that Sony has all the best exclusives and first party games. Microsoft will probably do ok, but I think Sony will lead this generation of consoles. Of course, lets not forget

This game looked lame anyway, I don't know why everyone wants these retro crappy 2D side scrollers anymore. Even the good ones that are highly produced these days and get good reviews are still just 2D side scrollers. T0 me just boring, like there was a time and place for them and that was 15 years ago. I think the

As I feel completely opposite about the original game, I'm going to assume that you saying no to this game means I absolutely should get it. Dragon's Dogma was one of the most refreshing RPG's I've played in a long time. I spent nearly 80 hours in the game and platinumed it. I will totally be buying this once I finish

I brought this up before and I'll do it again, even though it is not a popular thought. Why complain or pick your battle against this when porn is ever so much more a real issue? You balk at a scantily clad woman but I am willing to wager you view porn on a regular basis as does most people on here. You are

That is pretty amazing, I hope games start to use it.

Meh, maybe to some it's impressive but I personally think the art style is bland. I don't like it. I also don't find it that impressive that it's all hand drawn. It's just textures on 3D objects, whether you draw them or create them in photoshop or whatever, it's original artwork and probably takes about the same

You can't expect a foreigner in your country to know every little social etiquette. You have to give them a little grace. Clearly he wasn't being disrespectful by other photos of him doing the same thing, that's just the way he is. South Korea is blowing this way out proportion.

And sadly those are all the problems

Let me note that I myself have never played the game in mention nor watched a video of the sequence in mention. So I honestly cannot comment on it personally. I was merely defending the person in the article for their own beliefs as a Christian. I may very well agree with you in the scene in mention. Other than that

This is in my current list to read. I've been trekking through Superman this year, Going basically from Infinite Crisis to New 52. I'm currently only just after Infinite Crisis, Up, Up, and Away I think. However I've been reading Superman Batman leading up to Infinite and a few other stories. Secret Identity is on my

I still think you misunderstand me a bit, but that is simply going to be the case over a quick text conversation. Anyway, I wish you the best despite our disagreements. Perhaps life will someday let us understand one another better, but until that day, take care and God bless!

Lame, he only got a C ranking. But seriously, I've always been impressed by the technical DDR player but it's far more interesting watching the freestyle players. Been years since I played DDR, those were the days. Spending hours at the arcade playing DDR.

That's awesome, I do find it fascinating. I never got into more than throwing a few when I was a kid but never got them to return. I don't have a lot of time to devote to it but perhaps as my kids get a bit older I can buy a few and we can all take them out and try to learn how to do it. Thanks for all the tips!

It's still there, when did I ever condone killing? I didn't, you are making stuff up and getting pissed about it. Take a chill pill and cool your jets pal.

So what I got there was, basically you like Christians as long as they don't really follow the Bible or act or believe like a Christian should but in fact agree with your morals and principles. Again, you are such a hypocrite, it's not even funny.

Amazing how you absolutely ignored just about everything I posed to you. But whatever, enjoy your hate filled life, because I hope you realize that whatever peace and tolerance you preach you are not giving it towards me or my fellow religious people. You're nothing but the exact opposite of what you preach. I've seen

A simple question to you, what if you are wrong? You like to mock me and my religion and my God. You call imaginary. But what if I am right, what if my God is real unbeknownst to you. And also what if you have Him pegged wrong? because I think you do. My moral code really isn't doing anything to hurt anyone,