Nicholas Coyour

A practicing Christian with a the name DarkDemon22. I'd like to hear that story. I'd also like to hear what your views are. You can say all you want to me about how I am wrong or whatever, but I am surprised you would disagree with me if you are practicing Christian. How do you interpret sin? I can explain it to other

You are correct, and free will is both a blessing and a curse. We can make any decision we want, just like the bombers made in Boston. Does that make it right though? Nope. My point it is we are a society sin and depravity and porn is making it worse than better.

Do you think I could actually earn your respect in a few sentences on a forum? That's my point, you have to give respect as benefit of the doubt and try to learn more about the person before writing them off rather just ridiculing them. Only a few of you actually tried to understand my point instead of just mocking

I already discussed at further length with someone else. So repeating it is getting tiresome. I think violence is an inherant human quality. I'm not condoning violence but I think we are used to it if you can understand that concept. Of course the physical act of violence is going to hurt someone physically more than

"There is nothing inherently bad with pornography."

That is the part. Praying to anothers god is blasphemous to me. I have no problem standing there to comfort the man and be by his side but I do have a problem joining in a prayer to a god I don't believe in. Which of course I picked the wrong response since Mass Effect has such vague responses as to what is going to

I'm tired of repeating things I've said elsewhere. The nudity issue is far deeper than just a blanket statement of nudity is bad. I really don't have time to argue it, I've vaguely begun to explain elsewhere here. We have texts that predate the king James version, I still disagree it was heavily edited but either way

I'm sorry, when there are over ten people responding to you with much of the same arguments or mocking then you begin to generalize. I'm sorry I don't have time to name each of individually and get to know your personal situations intimately. You might do the same if you were one against many. It's called a stereotype

Disregard my other response to you, I mistook you for a respectable person, this statement proves otherwise.

Then that is fine by me. As long as you treat me with respect for my beliefs. You will be committing blasphemy regardless, but I am not here to judge you for it. I cannot force you to believe what I believe, you have to come to that yourself. I can defend my beliefs though and tell you what they are, just like you can

And you are the exact type of atheist I would like to have a discussion with. I'm sorry to lump you all together, I know there are mature ones out there. You must excuse my defensive nature over the circumstances. Wish we could discuss things outside these vile walls of the internet. Sadly, most atheists on the

Nice questions, I will merit you a response. I would consider killing someone in a videogame to be not real. Just pretending, no different than playing around with your friends as kids. Blasphemy is touchy, if the character is literally a separate entity of you and it's part of the story I might be ok with it but if

I'm not going to 100% agree with you but at least you are following a proper thought here. The problem is most nudity is not the harmless kind, it is sexual. But, nudity can also trigger sexual thoughts in people despite how harmless it is or natural. Like drinking in front of an alcoholic.

Probably for the best, I'm getting kinda tired of it myself. Thanks for the restraint and being not a douche. Funny thing is you probably are the type of person I could have a good convo with. Either way, take care.

If you respect and understand so much then why don't you towards me? I actually completely respect your beliefs and that they are different from mine. I whole heartedly disagree with you on just about every point you've made so far, but I respect that you aren't me and your life has brought you to whatever place you

I actually do respect others beliefs, if you will look through this thread it all started with disrespect towards the person in the articles beliefs. I was simply trying to defend them. I will have to argue that there really is no sin greater other than blasphemy to God, every other sin is the pretty much the same in

I will give you an honest repsonse. I have not played Bioshock Inifinte. So honeslty, I cannot properly comment on the person in the articles response to it as I don't know the exact scene myself or if I would personally think it is offensive or blasphemous. I was merely defending them for their ideal on the forums of

I think my argument is quite clear. Porn is bad, that is the bigger issue than immodest dress.

Let me put it this way, if I'm to follow your side of logic, nudity is natural, lets go off that. Lets assume it is natural and innocent. Do you think pornography is natural and innocent? Do think we were meant to view that kind of smut? Imagine that same Toddler committing those pornographic acts on another toddler.

Yep, homosexuality is a sin just like anything else. Alcoholism, pornogrpahy, adultry, murder, theft. All sins, equal in the eyes of God. The point is I don't hate the person, I hate their sin. I hate my own sins. It's picking yourself back up after sin because of grace and forgiveness that keeps you going and