
@Batman: What the hell. Is Sony's head up their own ass to the point where they wouldn't release it themselves for an iDevice? I mean, sure, Sony has the Ericsson brand of phones that are "competing" with the iPhone (much like the slow kid in elementary school was TECHNICALLY competing during gym class, even if all

What? No links, even to the official artist page? What in fuck's name are they smoking up there in Cupertino?!

So, uh, in the spirit of the picture: how the hell is Lemmings not available for iOS yet? Or is it and I just missed it somehow?

"...making promises to the people of the land about what you would do if you should one day be king..."

@Tiller: Yes, I completely missed that picture. Damn, that's one of the funniest things I've seen all day.

@Clutchman83: Well, hopefully North America will eventually get that neato Wii re-release of Super Mario All Stars....although they changed the physics of the game in the remake *just* enough that I occasionally have trouble on a few worlds. Damn bouncy Koopas!

@Clutchman83: What? Really? I've never had a problem beating the original SMB (well, except for the last castle, which is pretty easy once you figure out that the right pipe is almost always right after a pit of lava), but around Metropolis Zone in Sonic I usually run out of steam and can't go further without

That is the single best picture of the Blue Blur that I've ever seen. Someone find a wallpaper-sized version and give it a funny caption, stat!

This is tangential, but damn if it isn't hard to find a Shogi set with English instructions anywhere.

@Paradox me: Ah, that's awesome, thanks. It's funny that Keiji Inafune's heroine design looks so....absolutely bizarre in comparison to the rest of Legends' aesthetics.

Two things I'd like to hear more about:

@Rugdog: Spaz's art is awesome - the Sonic Adventure 2 story that he pencilled just blows my mind to look at.

Spaz has totally worked Megaman into at least one instance of the Sonic run he's done - check out the statue at the top of this cover, for instance:

@invictus13: Holy sweet Jesus. Thanks for the diagram and the nightmare fuel pic, it explains why the shunt is there WAY better than the article.

@Apoc28: You know laughably little about how governments function in society. No government, past or present, has ever worked like your little fantasy government that you have worked out in your head. Go back to your little corner now.

@Apoc28: Advertising is your business? (Hint: governments regulate business practices, if you don't understand how or why that is then you probably shouldn't make silly comments on Gizmodo!)

@xJOZx: Amen, man. An ability to do fine adjustments to your aim via sixaxis would be killer.


@TerribleSecret: Dang. I don't actually have a PC gamepad anymore, and I wanted to give this game a try for a month or two. It increases the price of admission by quite a bit if I have to shell out for a controller to really enjoy it.