
@ralph the robot: Yes, a tech news blog. Do you have some kind of problem with the place? Because I'm pretty sure nobody would miss you if you left.

@PeteCE: Twenty days isn't enough to slap some non-conductive chrome material around a piece of metal? The implementation part would be the hardest, but who knows?

@j14: The article says they're trying to gather serial numbers to verify. Did you miss that part?

@ralph the robot: Except if you've paid attention to any news source (not just Gizmodo, even CNN is getting on the iPhone 4 reception trouble bandwagon) you'd realize that this is a hardware problem endemic to the phone's design itself, and those that haven't been able to reproduce the issue have simply just not

@Ivan M.: There's no time for subtlety, but there's time for an entirely unnecessary Pac-Man clone to beat you over the head with a very shallow point? No.

I'm not sure I believe this just yet. It would be cool if true (then I just need to find some way to score a replacement) but until it's confirmed by someone with some kind of actual scientific method it's all just anecdotal. I mean, cell service is already a pretty esoteric voodoo - Apple themselves only recently

This guy has it backwards. Entertaining and engaging come first, education is basically last on the list. That isn't to say that games can't educate or inform, of course, especially when they're well done - but I don't think anybody wants their unlicensed Pac-Man knockoff to preach at them while they're sitting on

@Shinhideaki: Ah. See, the trick to having fulfilling vampire fantasies is to drink tomato juice while dating a girl with tremendously low self-esteem so it seems like you're draining her life away while she mopes around. The tomato juice is healthy AND delicious!

@Shinhideaki: Pretty sure Mountain Dew's Voltage flavor has you covered there - not nearly as stylin' as the slimes, though.

@Jaze: Um, Consumer Reports has said that they can't even recommend the phone, so at least that part of your little diatribe is incorrect. They did say it's has the best video camera on a mobile phone, though.

@Dennen: Eh, it's pretty terrible. But EVERY family sitcom around that time was pretty terrible, and not all of them had people who could actually act in them.

@Kaljin: Damn, forgot about him. Maybe we could call him "awesome" in that he's the only person to ever make me laugh at a miscarriage? I mean, probably not what he's going for there, but still...

@Mokon: Eh, whatevs. From what I hear, the key to enjoying the game is to have your dude get down and dirty with the troops themselves, which fits perfectly with what I've seen of the metal aesthetic. A console RTS that changes things up with a hero mechanic like that? I'll take it.

So I forgot to do laundry last night until like 11 PM, so I decided to play something for a little while until I could toss things in the dryer. I ended up going with D&DO, which I hadn't loaded up since long before it went free.

@Mokon: Brutal Legend is on my list of games to buy when I'm not saving for a vacation. Tim Schafer is brilliant and the game looks awesome.

@Seepgood: You shut your blasphemous face, Home Improvement was awesome for the 90's.

@BoxOfScraps: Me too. Looks like some 90's cartoon like Tiny Toons or Freakazoid or something. WHAT THE HELL IS IT?!

Hey, if they're clear it means you don't lose out on the awesome looking slime bottle when you drink it. Win-win.

Isn't California a little busy being broker than shit right now? I mean are videogames really the windmill they should be tilting at right now when their state budget is wearing more red than Santa Claus?