Ryoma Nagare

FLASH SALE 24 usd digital version from PSN...

I thought it was disappointing really, show didn’t live up to the promise set up in its first2 eps. fell into storytelling pits as its episodes ran out. too many decent characters abandoned, just to accommodate more fan service. the final scores, were iffy, JJ presentation wasn’t worth the score he got, thing is

Amazon, should prioritize giving access to the rest of the world, Prime membership doesn’t work in Latam for example, I have 0 qualms about downloading the show.

yeah its a full price game, but its been put on sale twice in the last 3 months i got it for 25

revelator is the game that Sign should have been. its near perfect, and was just 16usd last week, just wait for next flash sale. so much love and care put into every frame of animation and mechanic

this game looks so fucking bad, its like capcom is not even trying anymore, hopefully will turn out better in the end. mvc3 wasn’t very good mechanically but at least looked pretty and had a nice roster, this one has worse art, only 2v2 and the infinity stones mechanic that can really fuck balance up.

Now playing

This looks so bad, like this cg trailer looks worse than guilty gear’s in engine introductions and destruction moves. and thats also UE4, so its not the tech, but the art. hope gameplay is better, seems to be using the infinity gem mechanics from the the first Marvel game

just start digging about people that started working out watching hajime no ippo... you’ve just scratched the surface of this phenomenon

I work construction, sinkholes are caused by erosion of soil rich in limestone, which can be “washed away” by rising phreatic levels, or broken water mains. a quick fix, would require to stabilize the whole surrounding area, and then fill the hole, maybe use bentonite which expands but is rather expensive. they

SO FOR BLACK FRIDAY, REVELATOR IS AT 16 USD for PS4 and 12 for PS3, thats half as much as SF V... get it now.

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the empowered, ideas of their women, they are really intelligent and really funny.

What about a spanish dub then? and a french one? how about italian and german? i don’t condone the fact that arc doesn’t include them, but if the game doesn’t sale, then its not economically viable. I believe everything should be made on its native language and include subtitles for every other language. thats

i don’t mean its been tuned for competitive play, its been tuned for esports, as a show, artificially trying to increase the chances of Justin vs Daigo, making the game slower, and increasing the number of impact frames, in order for viewers to better follow the action.

why would you want an english dub, its a japanese game, just deal with subtitles like the rest of the world does for US stuff, nothing said, changes that revelator is the superior game, and has more content than SF V, out of the box, a better training mode, better one player mode, and better matchmaking and lobbies.

the game is really different from sign, I too paid 60 usd for sign, and felt afronted by Arc Systems, but the game feel like a complete edition, unlike SF5, or Sign both of which felt like betas. Looks have really improved from SIGN, so has the netcode, gameplay refinements asides. i got the game last psn flash

Please NA people, go play Guilty Gear Revelator instead, discover what a decently made game is like.

can’t wait till aging people inject this stuff to look “younger” “botox is so passe”