Ryoma Nagare

SO FOR BLACK FRIDAY, REVELATOR IS AT 16 USD for PS4 and 12 for PS3, thats half as much as SF V... get it now.

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the empowered, ideas of their women, they are really intelligent and really funny.

What about a spanish dub then? and a french one? how about italian and german? i don’t condone the fact that arc doesn’t include them, but if the game doesn’t sale, then its not economically viable. I believe everything should be made on its native language and include subtitles for every other language. thats

i don’t mean its been tuned for competitive play, its been tuned for esports, as a show, artificially trying to increase the chances of Justin vs Daigo, making the game slower, and increasing the number of impact frames, in order for viewers to better follow the action.

why would you want an english dub, its a japanese game, just deal with subtitles like the rest of the world does for US stuff, nothing said, changes that revelator is the superior game, and has more content than SF V, out of the box, a better training mode, better one player mode, and better matchmaking and lobbies.

the game is really different from sign, I too paid 60 usd for sign, and felt afronted by Arc Systems, but the game feel like a complete edition, unlike SF5, or Sign both of which felt like betas. Looks have really improved from SIGN, so has the netcode, gameplay refinements asides. i got the game last psn flash

Please NA people, go play Guilty Gear Revelator instead, discover what a decently made game is like.

Now playing

wouldn’t want those otaku actually getting “turned on” and molesting a duuuude? ....

is that 45 deg angle comment, mean he was looking at her legs? while calling her a bitch? wow

thank you so much for this, the religious ferbor of people fitness oriented, is one of the most discouraging things for people that just want to be healthier. I’m on a 1500cal day, i eat about 300 cal breakfast, a 200 cal protein shake at lunch after a 1 hour workout, and i like to “reward” myself with a 1000 cal

I don’t think you got the main point of the show, Rigen is presented as a joke character, yet by episode 4 he is shown being super professional and having solid ethics, the overarching theme of the show is growing up, having powers is a childish thing, and epics battles are no more than schoolyard shenanigans, in

after using an A6000 for a year, i sold all my nikon setup and got a A7ii, absolutely turned me into a Sony believer, while the A7 is a nice little camera, all an all i still miss the little bastard, i managed some really nice pics with that one https://flic.kr/p/xjNSLj

after using an A6000 for a year, i sold all my nikon setup and got a A7ii, absolutely turned me into a Sony

i agree with you, i do believe the cease and desist was sent by nintendo of america, the point i was trying to make is corporations “don’t need to act this way, as they often do”

you can’t have a copyright on all the implementations of an idea, only the specific implementation of that idea, so copyright is valid for every pokemon game released or unreleased, and you’d have a case if and only if this game stolen some assets, a brand new game with complete new assets falls under the parody

that is a myth though, the way IP law works, is the holder can do whatever they want with their IP, they could if they wanted grant a special license for this game, and still prosecute legit IP violations, this is just petty, an uninformed maybe automated response. this game is clearly transformative and thous fair

I’m for the seiko with one caveat, I prefer the Orient Blue Mako II, owned by seiko, better looking and with its own perfected version of the machine https://www.amazon.com/Orient-Japanes…

I’m for the seiko with one caveat, I prefer the Orient Blue Mako II, owned by seiko, better looking and with its own

Now playing

good list I’d add FF9 but i getyou wouldn’t want to spam all FF IV is really good too, one of the best i’ve heard lately is the soundtrack for FF type 0 Hd Arrange, also The Last Story and XenoBlade

i’ve had this tapes applied to me while rehabilitating from minor sprains or muscular tears, it works just as an elastic bandage. basically the Physical therapist will instruct you to extend the muscle then apply the tape, it will help with support of the painful area for 3 or 4 days until the tape wears off. its

you all just broke my heart

Brian’s pics have been getting better and better, kind of wish he’d buy a new camera though, how expensive a slightly used Sony A6000 could be in japan? maybe 200 usd? totally worth it