Quick someone find Kojima.... I’m afraid Konami might have killed and buried him in the basement.
Quick someone find Kojima.... I’m afraid Konami might have killed and buried him in the basement.
That one works quite well actually... can’t say the same for many of the others.
looking good there Simon...
Always liked grampa Trevor More
Fried Chicken was implied ... how else would you do the sticky Chicken Cheeto “Lolypop”
At least her efforts will help bring to life a cinematic masterpiece in the form of Resident Evil 5? or is it 6th?
This is the greatest thing I’ve seen today and its already 8:33am so i know its all downhill from here.
Fuck Yeah all my favorites are in
yeah i’m not familiar with all the newer mobile suit from age and build fighter
Thanks almost go crazy trying to see what kind of zeonic horror this was based upon.
more like
Richard, any signs of Beelzemon in the game?
here’s Butterfly in spanish ...
What you think you are too cool for justimon?
Fantastic article, being an Apple user, gotta say that you are dismissing the Stockholm syndrome, introducing any non apple to their admittedly serviceable ecosystem, just gives you headaches.
So Brazilian Jiu jitsu... kind of cool, not liking the tits though.
Hope the talent finds a new home... maybe MAPPA?
yeah truth,we’ve been opening and cleaning most of our devices, you think that ps3 is dirty? you should try and open your microwave...